Changing tracks per pattern/dropping samples in a trig

Couple questions: feel free to forward me to another forum topic I’m not quite seeing that relates to this specifically. I am coming along well now with pattern developing… I want to change patterns and have different samples on tracks… I’ve learned how to hold a trig and drag down the level knob to pick something else… however once I drop that in the pattern if I go to edit it will assuming be the same overall sample. Is there any way possible I can have the tracks be different entirely per pattern after copy pasting or am I stuck with just dragging individually the pattern? Other issue is sometimes not all the samples show up in the drag mode I originally assigned to project I recorded samples onto… do I need to resave in edit menu as “free flex” or one of those in save and assign to pick up any samples I have to drop on a trig ? Ideally I can just mess with tracks more. Whether or not either question is possible or limited are there any cool creative videos I can see with people working in limitations with patterns??? I’m assuming maybe I need to learn about banks and this is the way to change tracks with simple function button touching…?
Thank you kindly !!

Patterns don’t have Samples associated with them.

Patterns have Parts associated with them.

In each Part, there are eight tracks. Flex and Static machines have [ Track Default Samples ]

What you are doing is putting [ Sample Locks ] on the track.


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Hey Rusty- thanks. copy that. Let me be more clear as best I can-
-I have 8 tracks on a project.

  • I have samples assigned to each track that I’m making patterns with.
  • I want to change some of the tracks samples while keeping other tracks with same samples as I build.
    -how is this possible?
  • I’ve learned how to change a trig in a pattern to another sample but in edit menu it still shows the original sample I’ve dropped.
  • Can parts be used to change tracks? Meaning more specifically can I copy and paste a Part 1 to part 2. If so can I change the tracks of part 2 and switch back to part 1 and have what I originally saved there?
    Thank you
  • Ok
  • Change parts or use sample locks (plock a sample)
  • Sample locks are shown if you hold the trig
  • Yes. Seems better to change pattern, assigning different parts.

Hey Sezare- thanks as well. You saying I can copy part 1 to part 2 and so on and change samples in each track on different parts? I’m imagining copy paste works the same as function for each part or is that just for copying patterns?

Yes. You can copy parts and / or patterns.
It is easier if you assign different parts to patterns.
Some people assign parts like that
Pattern 1-4 > Part 1
Pattern 5-8 > Part 2
Pattern 9-12 > Part 3
Pattern 13-16 > Part 4

Personnaly, in a same song I’d rather use plocks and sample locks, to avoid part copies, and all the changes you have to make to all parts if there’s something common.
I’d use a bank per song. Each bank has its own 4 parts. So if you change bank, you change part.

Thanks so much! Has been working out well this way.

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