Changing patterns via MIDI is not immediate and goes to the wrong bank

I’m trying to select bank B, pattern 1 on my Octatrack via MIDI from my Pyramid. I send a CC #0 message with a value of 1 (1 higher than 0, which I assume selects bank A), and a Program Change of 1 (there is no 0). The pattern doesn’t queue up like it normally does when I change patterns manually (with “A01 > B01” in the display). In fact, the pattern doesn’t change until I stop the Pyramid. Then, it changes to bank I, pattern 01. What am I missing?

EDIT: I get that you usually need MSB and LSB for bank change, but LSB is CC32, and that’s already assigned to LFO 2 depth in the OT.

Omit the bank selection, look at banks/pattern as just 0-15, 16-31 prog changes etc.


Oh, it works that way? Cool, I’ll try that. So B01 would just be program 16. That would make it a whole lot easier.

EDIT: Actually it turns out to be 17, since the Pyramid program change messages start at 1 not 0. But it works, and it’s instantaneous! Thanks hellcore!


Yeah, well, each vendor likes one or the other way, I personally prefer starting at 0, former programmer habits!

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