Hi all
Is it possible to change the patterns on the OT via a track in Ableton Live, and if yes, how do I go about it?
- Alex
Hi all
Is it possible to change the patterns on the OT via a track in Ableton Live, and if yes, how do I go about it?
Nobody knows anything about this?
I’m thinking it must be possible. How else would you integrate it into a production DAW, if you can’t control it by midi…
Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for? I suspect it might be? I’m not gonna be around my gear til Friday to test that.
It sounds like it’s what I’m looking for. I am just wondering what changes I need to send from Ableton (which CC’s), and how I send them…
Any ideas?
I know you can send MIDI Program Changes that are attached to clips. I’m pretty sure that it will send them when the clip starts.
So, you might need dummy clips that have program changes. There is a setting somewhere that has the resolution for changing patterns in the OT, so, you could queue, or, switch on demand. But, Program Change is usually a slow command for MIDI, so, “on demand” might be pretty glitchy.
Edit: Since the OT has 256 patterns and Program Change only deals with 128 locations, you might need a Bank Change CC sent, which is either CC 0 or CC 32, depending on the gear. I’m guessing it’s 0, since the OT won’t send CC 32 as bank change (I have a ticket in for this at Elektron).
Cool, thanks for the reply. I’ll try this out and let you guys know how it goes…
A little while back I set up an ableton project dedicated to control the Octatrack Program change, along with Mutes, Scenes & Fader position.
It used around 12 midi channels & was fiddly to get perfect (using the limited cc editing tools in arrangement view) but worked for my purposes of tweaking a particular song where I didnt have enough hands to do live what I needed.
If you want the file let me know.
Hey Ozone!
Yes please, I would like to peek a little around in that project, if you wouldn’t mind?
OK Alex, I have pm’d you the dropbox link.
Hi, I’d definitely be interested in having a look at this too. I’ve been starting to create my own template so it would be good to compare notes before I go too far down the wrong path
Might as well put it out in the public domain…
Any suggestions or improvements dont be shy.
I always intended to expand this template for OT + Machinedrum & Monomachine … had the idea of recording down live performance midi data with ability to go back and tweak to taste. Been too lazy to upgrade Live because i would want collapsible folders for that amount of channels.
Awesome, thanks man!