I have a MIDI track that uses CC71 to control the wet/dry mix on a hardware FX unit. I want to operate the control knob manually.
The FX unit has “learned” the controller # from the OT, and confirms #71 as -mix- controller. (I tried a couple others, and they work, but with the same problem described below)
I have two Parts, each with the same identically saved MIDI track. I have the MIDI track copied in the memory buffer, from pasting it from one Part into another.
The CC works…until I change Parts. Then the FX unit’s wet/dry parameter snaps to 0 and cannot be changed. The FX unit is still receiving the CC message and will momentarily react, but then the parameter instantly reverts to 0 and stays.
BUT, when I re-paste the copied MIDI track into the new Part, it works correctly again…
until I change back to the previous Part, where it worked before, and now it DOESN’T work, same problem, back and forth, repeat, repeat.
I’ve made sure there aren’t duplicated CC assignments, and there are no triggers in any of the patterns. I’ve tried to set the CC knob in both Parts so the value is the same when switching. I’m stumped.
how does the fx unit map ? i know you have checked the mapping but it isn;t clear from your post whether you are also checking the mapping is intact when you experience the problem. when you get the zeroed controller, is it still saying it’s mapped to cc71 ?
in the interests of troubleshooting, have you tried copying the entire part over, not just the midi track, then switch between two identical parts to see if the same thing happens ?
can you test with a filterable midi monitor to see what messages are getting output when you switch parts ?
“when you get the zeroed controller, is it still saying it’s mapped to cc71 ?”
“in the interests of troubleshooting, have you tried copying the entire part over, not just the midi track, then switch between two identical parts to see if the same thing happens ?”
Yes, and the same thing happens. When I change to a different pattern, even if it’s using the same part, I have to paste the midi track, and then it works.
I’ll have to come up with a way to filter and monitor MIDI messages; maybe in a DAW. Will try tomorrow - brain-dead now.
EDIT - or I may just perform the action on the FX unit’s front panel. Easy enough. I’ve wasted far too much time on this today.
yeah sometimes it’s easier to find the path of least resistance and move on…if I remember I’ll check it on my system when I get back to it and see if I can see what’s going on.
ok i ran a test my end. just two identical parts with cc71 set up in each. only thing i haven’t done is map it to something externally.
i sent the output to midi wrench on my iPad and only the cc71 values are showing up with no zero blips. they register at whatever value they were at on last change.
so sorry i can’t help any more than that. i’m guessing you’ve either got something set up in your part that is spitting out some other midi, you’ve got some sort of corruption in the project or something’s not behaving itself in your fx unit midi when it receives the cc value as you switch to the new part.
also i wonder whether you are outputting midi info from your audio tracks without realising it. have you checked that ?
FUNC /Mixer/Midi/Control/Audio CC - set to INT
difficult to go any further without you testing your system…but looks like you’ve moved on and it will have to wait for another rainy day…
CCs in a MIDI part are off by default until you assign a value to them. You should make sure the default value in all parts is numeric and then save the project.
Right, that’s how they are, but when I change parts, the FX unit stops responding.
Yes - done.
The FX unit will only respond to the most recently saved part. The FX unit’s LED indicates that it’s receiving a MIDI message, but it’s assigned value only changes immediately upon re-saving the current part.
I can go to the other parts and nothing happens, then come back to the most recently saved one and it works, until I go to ANOTHER part and re-save it - then THAT part is the only one that works.
That’s…weird. Have you tried hooking the OT MIDI out to the computer’s MIDI in and using a MIDI monitor tool to see exactly what is coming from the OT? The FX unit ought not to care that you are changing parts as such, so there must be something in the MIDI stream that’s causing it to hiccup. A Bank/patch assignment in the Note Setup screen maybe?
I’ve just had the same problem as the original poster described. I’ve set up midi CC in part 1. They work fine then I set up a similar track to control the same device in part 2 and each CC reverts to a set value as soon as the knob stops been moved.
Does anyone have a fix for this please?
Interesting… you definitely should monitor the incoming midi using a Mid Monitor like Midi Yoke. By incoming midi, I understand monitoring what is received by the destination midi port.
Thanks for the reply. yeah I monitored into Ableton Live and recorded the midi to look at what was happening and the controls always revert to sending the cc value of the previous part. I’m trying various work arounds and so far I can get two parts handing over successfully, including with CC lfo’s, when I use track two for both’s controller midi track instead of track 1. Very strange.