how to change the amount of a parameter for the whole pattern.
like having a volume of 64 on a track in pattern a1, copy pattern
to a2, changing the value to 127 and get that volumechange
every time i switch the patterns - independent of any trigger
specific values.
nope, thats not working like that over here.
pressing function and dialing in the parameter value
is not working, beside that it does display a inverted overlay
box to the value grid.
i think you mean the parameter lock to a specific trigger, that is working just fine.
what wont work over here is adjusting a parameter, independent of parameter locks within the pattern. so that i can change the global value of that parameter within the pattern - relative to the parameter locks. record (while in pattern a1)
2.hold function
3.change parameter (volume on track 1) to 64
4.leave record
5.copy pattern a1 to a2 record again
7.hold function
8.change parameter (volume on track 1) to 127
9.leave record
when now switching patterns, volume on track one
stays the same, where i wanted it to change back and forth
between 127 and 64.
does such an action work for you?
-btw. thats not working for the overall track volume as well as for
the volume within the instrument loaded
(second of the top row data entry encoders in the routing submenu)
The easiest to achieved this trick is to save the kit in an other kit and then change the parametters.
The procedure :
1 fonction + volume then all instruments can be set to max volume or an other settings you want
2 save this kit on another emplacement kit.
3 on pattern A1 the first version of kit with its own settings (volume at 64) and on pattern A2 the other version of kit (with volume at 127)
okay - so there is no option to set a global value for a certain parameter within a pattern.
the workaround would be, as i understand now, to tie the pattern to a version of the kit with the respective value wanted.
thats a bummer somwhow. but. at least theres an (awkward) option to do it.
another question came up:
how to adjust a parameter lock for more than one step?
holding down the steps simultaneously wont work.
is there a possibility to do that?
You can do it by holding the knob down when live recording. This will apply the current value onto every trig on that track. Unfortunately it also makes the knob less precise, and it’s p-locks rather than a new starting point, so it’s not ideal for tweaking. You could do the latter with external MIDI control, or possibly MIDI loopback, but those come with their own complications.
Edit: I just tried out using LFO’s to do live tweaking on p-locked parameters. This works really well. You may have to give up a track per param, but not necessarily. Mode = Trig, Spd = 0, Shape = Square. Depth adds a relative static value to the param on the selected destination track. So it can be done with minimum tradeoff.