Changing Octatrack "songs" live via MIDI from Ableton Live (Solved)

Hi there,
I am new to Octatrack, and was wondering about the possibilities of controlling the OT via external MIDI. Basically I want to use Ableton Live to set off samples on the OT. There are usually 3-7 samples per song, and our set is usually 6-10 songs.
So, what is the best way to change “songs”, ie. how do I do it via MIDI so I don’t have to start fiddling with the OT on stage?

I can easily load samples onto tracks 1-7 (8 is a master) but obviously that’ll only work for the first song.
Being able to trigger “slots” from tracks 1-7 via midi would do it, as I never need more than 7 samples to play simultaneously, but I can’t seem to figure that out.

thanks in advance,

In case anyone else gets stuck with a newbie question like this one. Basically one good solution for me is to use program change messages from Live to switch between “banks” which can change the samples assigned to the tracks. easy.

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