Changing Kit w/ midi


I am using a rytm mkii. I have switched from the internal sequencer to using midi, so all things can be sequenced from one place….but I can’t figure out how to change kits, as if I were changing from pattern A1 to B1, as an example.

I’m trying the program change function in ableton live but it isnt working for me.

Has anyone done this and have insights?

I think the easiest way to do it is to load kits to different empty patterns and then load those patterns.

but how do you load a new pattern?

figured it out! just added a prg chng track in drum rack, and using the program change feature in live (only the PGM slot, not bank or sub), put the number of the PGM you want to change to (example C3= PGM35), and it changes. Although using USB midi it changes late.

With expert sleepers silent way/es40/esx8md it changes in-time.

Hey there,

I tried it the whole day using USB Midi and couldn’t get rid of the wrong and too late timing although I was using the Jump mode. You think using real Midi solves my problem?

You would save my week, as I’m rehearsing for a show and I need to be able to do program changes from my Ableton controller while changing to next scenes of my tracks.

Jump mode doesn’t work over midi

serial midi will not fix the problem unless you have a stable source of midi information, such as a sample-accurate device like the expert sleepers es40/esx8md combo, or erm multiclock, or a cirklon.

If you’re using the hardware’s sequencer, i’d suggest using overbridge with the M4L device Pattern Clips to change patterns in-time, which can be found on this forum and downloaded here Elektron Pattern Clips version 0.5.2 by Airyck on

The M4L device sounds amazing. Gonna give it a try tomorrow first thing.

Why does it not work with program change and Jump mode via usb midi? It should right?

idk why, but the whole program change fiasco was many hours spent in confusion for me lol

Its not supported from what I’ve read here. I’ve tried myself too to make a max patch to do it and wasn’t able to :frowning:

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yeah… thats a bit of a shame, as everybody needs it playing live with Ableton if you don’t have 4 hands… XX