So I want to use 2 Drum Machine Engines - how do I setup say track 09 as a new bass drum track instead of a closed hat one?
Only certain tracks can use BD machines. I don’t think you can assign a BD machine to track 09.
However that does not mean that you can’t place a BD sample on track 09.
I don’t think that’s possible. I was a bit shocked myself when I found out. is there a technical reason for this limitation? Otherwise I really, really hope they’ll change this in a future update and give us more freedom when it comes to chosing which engine to use for which track. Using two kick tracks isn’t too exotic, IMHO…
The 8 voices use a number of different analogue circuits optimized for different types of sounds. So yes, there is a pretty good technical reason why some “machines” can only be used on specific tracks.
For more information RTFM or the FAQ on the site.
You can assign BD machines to the first 4 tracks so layering synth kicks is entirely possible.
HOW do you do that pls?
Function + pad to choose track. Then press synth button twice to choose machine. Repeat for next track.
there is a reason, it´s ANALOG
this means that most of the circuits for different drums are individual
so you can´t duplicate them as easy as in a DSP-based piece of gear
the fact that you actually can duplicate some machines is kinda tech miracle…try this on a 808, 909 or even a more modern analog drum machine like the tanzbar…it´s just impossible
I guess elektron use a very tight digital control over the analog circuitry to achieve it at a certain degree (like swapt and duplicate some machines) but complete freedom of exchange and duplication seems to be impossible in the AR
I´ll be VERY surprised if they release a firmware upgrade that can perform this, but who know? maybe the AR is a full FPGA device and everything could be software controlled to a deep degree
Anyway, they talk about the “individual circuits” for specific voices in several parts of the manual so I don´t think they could go further in this topic
The simple solution is to play a sample on track 9 instead of the hihat.
(I know, this is not what you asked for, but it solves the problem)