Changing directions

I’ve been thinking of switching it up lately too. Haven’t been in the studio much and kinda miss my MPC. Thinking of putting a swap up for my maschine mk3 and OT mk2 for an MPC X then just going at things from one device. People are saying don’t sell the machinedrum but don’t just keep things cause they’ll gain value, if something else will inspire you more don’t be afraid to move on for fear of regret.


I’m seeing the “less is more” side of music making. Lately I’ve been putting everything up and only focusing on one or two pieces of equipment at a time. I also thought going the semi modular route was something I wanted as well but I like the idea of being able to program and pick up where I left off when I have to go do life stuff.

After looking at my current gear I’m going to go against the grain and purge most everything and only keep Octatrack mk2, and Analog Drive and go from there funding the few pieces I’m looking at getting. Yes, my Machinedrum is the UW+ and that’s the toughest one to come to terms with letting go. But like JB said, why horde it when someone else could get more use out of it.

I really appreciate everyone’s input and I value all of y’all as family. Look for my posts in the FS/FT forum in a couple of days.


My 2 cent revision of your new gear would be:

Digitakt: Great!
Digitone Keys: I just don’t get it. Get a normal DN with a keystep? Smaller footprint and way cheaper.
MPC Live: I tried it, hated it, something about the touchscreen, I don’t know. But maybe you gel with it better. If MPC and looking for workflow and small footprint, maybe go MPC1000? To me it’s a perfect match of portability and capability. With JJOS ofc.
OTmk2: KEEP IT FOR GODS SAKE :slight_smile:
Waldorf Kyra: Ok, was gonna talk you out of this one, but it sounds sooo good haha. And seems fun to play with as well. You have sequencing and synth parts enough already though, skip the DN for this maybe?


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Don’t ponder. Just do it. Change is always good, in the long run. It’s not like your idea of a new setup isn’t awesome. It is. Go explore that. Should you miss like the MD for example, you’ll find your way back to it.


I’m definitely keeping the Octatrack. No question about that now. And change is good. It opens your eyes to new ways of doing things. I may keep the Machinedrum just in case, I’m still undecided on that but everything else is going to go.

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