Changing A4 Bank/Pattern from the OT

Is this possible?

Can’t seem to find info on the A4 Manual.

I assume not then … :zonked:

Sorry, didn’t see the other thread, maybe someone can merge this. I managed to get this working. So, here are the steps,

  1. On the OT under Project -> Midi Sync, Set Prog CH Send to Yes and assign a Midi Channel (1 for example)
  2. On the A4 under Global -> Midi Config -> Midi Sync, Set Prog CH Receive to Yes and under Global -> Midi Config -> Midi Channels -> Prog Ch in Ch (set to 1)

Hey man, I’m not sure exactly what your looking for, but I can get my patterns on the machinedrum to link to the patterns on the A4 by selecting “receive program change” on the A4 and “send program change information” on the machinedrum. I use channel 10 as the send & receive channel on both machines. For me this works out well, so when I go into a drum fill pattern, the synth section on the A4 will follow.



I’ve set all the prog change and channels correctly in the options in both OT and A4, but I can’t get anything to work.

How do you set the OT project to call pattern H04 for example in the A4?

Can prog change call up a song on the A4? Surely this would be logical, because the song contains all the chains, kits etc needed for that project?

Has anyone figure out how to make the A4 change any earlier than at the end of its pattern when triggered by external MIDI? I switch my OT patterns quite quickly, but it takes far longer for the A4 to catch up.

OK that’s all the global MIDI settings in both machines sorted. Got that far. What do you do then within your project/song to call up a pattern on the A4?

Hi, when the correct autochanel settings are set up
everything just follows the master, as soon as you change bank/pattern on the master eg OT, the others follow suite

nb you do not need program changes, do not use them, it will mess up the autochannel commands

Thanks Rael. This hasn’t worked for me on loading the OT project - the right pattern doesn’t appear on the A4. I’ve gone right through the MIDI settings on both boxes and set everything up.

Also does it mean your bank/pattern numbers have to match on both machines?

Yes when it works,you will have the same banks/patterns in each machine
eg a01 - a01 - a01
there is the problem that the OT has twice as many banks
unfortunately the OT’s extra 8 banks become somewhat redundant

i had to reorganise my live project to fit everything into the first 8 banks when i started working with the a4 and md