Change MIDI note values from pads to control external drum machine


Is there any way to change the MIDI note value that is transmitted from the pads on a Rytm MK1?

I’d like to control an older drum machine (who’s pads I cant change).

Also, I cant seem to get MIDI out to work.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I’ve read the manual and I cant see it. Also checked this forum and not much help either.

No, you would need to use something after the Rytm to transpose the MIDI. Also, the Rytm does not send MIDI from it’s sequencer, only if you manually hit a pad. You need to make sure you have Pad EXT enabled under MIDI PORT CONFIG, as well as the right ports.


Thanks for the quick reply.

Man, that is crazy. The Machinedrum did.

Why would Elektron do this? Even my SP1200 transmits MIDI.

Dunno, maybe the DSP required to schedule MIDI events on time isn’t there.