Chance on parameter

I know Chance and Conditional Trigs are for Note Trigs.
But :
Is there a way to ad some chance only on a parameter, or some conditional trig on a lock trig ?
(I want the note to play every time, but the parameter/effect on it to be random)

Thanks :slight_smile:

Might be achieved with two trigs stacked on top with micro timing. First step has chance to play, second step plays if previous did not. Different parameter locks on each step. Works this way on digitakt. I’m assuming samples is the same.


That’s right, it would work, very good solution thanks !

Oscillator sink goes deep into this kind of technique here.
Really great video.


So full disclosure I don’t have the M:S… Does it do trig-less trigs? That’s what I use on the Octatrack, between conditional trigs and micro-timing, you’re able to get very wild stuff.

If it doesn’t have trigless trigs, you should be able to use the Micro-timing trick to get up to three potential trigs to play in a single step using the Trig Condition time divisions, or two if you use one with percentage and the other with the Previous not played trig.

Between that and the Random LFO, and assigning all of that to those trigs, on top of using a different track division or speed (so maybe it’s playing half time, or you have 48 steps while the rest of your pattern has 64), you should be able to get plenty of variation.


Thanks for making me discover this YT channel, love it !

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M:S has Note Trigs, and Lock Trigs, which must me as the Trig-Less you’re talking about.
Thanks for the ideas ! :slight_smile:

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