Chain with first pattern repeated

This procedure is a bit more straightforward on OS 1.13:

  1. Press and hold the [PATTERN] button.

  2. Select and hold a PLACEHOLDER pattern key. This should not be a pattern you wish to add to the beginning of the chain. Continue holding this key throughout.

  3. Release and then toggle the [PATTERN] button. This will clear the pattern chain. The chain will remain active, however, as long as a PLACEHOLDER key remains held.

  4. Key in any patterns you wish to add to the empty chain.

Tip #1 – You can clear the pattern chain at any point by toggling the [PATTERN] button while the PLACEHOLDER pattern key is held. This is handy if you make a mistake while keying in your pattern chain.

Tip #2 – If you wish to add the PLACEHOLDER pattern to the chain, you can swap placeholders by holding the key of the last pattern added to the chain and releasing the former PLACEHOLDER.


I still can’t get the pattern chain to display on the screen (I’m in v1 .12). Should I simply upgrade?

Found my answer here, which is great. Weird that the first-ptn issue exists in the first place. What is still utterly infuriating to me is that M:S can’t just save a chain with a project. I’m not asking for a sophisticated song mode; I know that is outside the “spirit of the box.” ANYWAY…I suppose it is a lost cause and this stage in the game.

Arrrghh … only just realised this is a simpler version than the one I’ve been using. Thanks for the update @echoicMalady.

It can be simplified further (on firmware 1.13)

Step PTN button Desired 1st Pattern Placeholder Pattern
1 press and hold
2 hold press and hold
3 release, then press and release hold
4 press multiple times, hold last time hold
5 release

Then continue as before, always keeping pattern chain mode active by keeping at least one pattern (trig) key held down till you press the next.

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Nice one! I didn’t realise that you could release the pattern button if you toggle it.

I’ve updated my previous instructions to include your revision.

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I spent ages yesterday trying to come up a method that was easy to use, easy to remember. (The layout above helps me with the remembering bit). Right now, though, I can’t remember which step of that “release/press/release” actually clears the content of the chain, but anyway, releasing it as the final step makes everything that follows simpler.

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It seems like toggling the pattern button empties the chain. That definitely seems cleaner than holding the pattern button down.

I also just realised that you can toggle the pattern button at any point while the placeholder is held to clear the chain – that’s handy if you mess up the chain.

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Good to know