CF Card - Size and Use Question

QUESTION 1 - Has 128GB CF Flash Card Been Tested/Does It Work?

the manual says it is not supported, but my experience tells me that sometimes these things are written with consideration given to WHAT was available and tested.

Cards supporting UDMA and at least 133x (~20MB/s) for both reads and writes are com- patible with the Octatrack. Cards must be FAT16 or FAT32 formatted, preferably FAT32. Up to 64 GB Compact Flash cards are supported.

can anyone confirm that the 128gb cards available will not function?

QUESTION 2 - Is Streaming from a High Quality CF Card Safe for Live Performance?

merlin’s octatrack user guide mentions not actually streaming from the CF card. but it seems like it is just to be safe best practice.
i understand protecting the safety of your live performance and i even have a few rules like this for working with ableton. i adopted them earlier on, and likely don’t need them anymore on these snazzy modern laptops.

This puts a heavy burden on the cf-card and by doing so, you can run into timing problems when the card is cheap and not fast enough. Therefore, although streaming can be used, my personal attitude is that I avoid it as much as possible, just to be on the safe side. On the other hand: Elektron offers streaming as a valid technique, so if you use it, it should work as advertised, provided that your cf-card can handle the speed.


imgoing to computer store today to buy the best card for ot!


buy the fastest one you can buy, but I doubt you can go 128

think there are threads on the old electron users forum

i couldn’t find any threads (on this or the old forum) of someone saying 128 does or doesn’t work.

i did read several times that speeds over 400 were not noticeable.

but i suppose i should read the silence as an indication that no one has tried yet. i’m going to email support, and inquire.

I just bought a transcend 400X 32 gb works fine if that’s any help?

just tested it, 128 GB cards definitely do not work. confirmed


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…it can indeed “only” adress 64 gb…but that’s waaaaay more than it sounds in first place…
no worries…

and yeah, a pro card can be trusted in all live situations, even if u stream 8 stems at once…

oops…was falling for a very old thread again…but truth remains the same…

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