CC-Issue - Get ST to plock Minitaur

Heyho Elektronauts,

though a keen & grateful reader of the forum, here’s my first reaching out in despair… :wink:

I’m new to Elektron and only recently got ST to fall in love straight away, what a sensational machine!

Trying to get Moog’s Minitaur act in accordance to ST’s sequencer, though, didn’t quite work out yet.

with a midi machine set up to note sequence Minitaur just fine, I set up encoder A to control Mini’s filter cutoff via CC (hoping to plock it good…) So in ST’s AMP page it’s CC19 to Mini (just as required in the Mini’s Manual)
Now, using encoder A on ST’s Filter page controls the moog’s OSC 1 waveform (according to Mini’s manual that’s CC 70) instead of the filter cutoff.

A noob to “deep” midi, right now I can’t even tell whether I’m facing a moog, elektron or (most probable:) a Rolfi issue…

Did anyone run into similar problems or has a pointer for an Elektron-freshman??

Cheers, Love & thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

70 is the default CC number of Encoder A on the Amp page. Have you saved your Pattern with CC number 19?

Hey Tchu, thank you for such quick reply!
I saved ptn to temp and the whole project and the issue stays.
Also on Midi Monitor ST seems to send “General Purpose 4 (fine)” while a turn of Mini’s cutoff knob causes “General Purpose 4 (coarse)” CCs.
could that be a problem?

update: got it to sort of work - in overbridge mode on ST but no Overbridge plug in active in LogicX and midi wired up via din, the ST’s CC 19 let me control the Mini’s Cutoff

strangely: both, the Cutoff Feq (Yay!) AND OSC1 waveform (Naw!) on Minitaur were simultaneously controlled by the same CC 19 from ST

a Moog Flaw? a Rolfi one?

I’d be superduper grateful for any hint…

If minitaur osc 1 waveform happens to be midi cc 70, I’d guess your midi track is sending out knob data as well as the assigned cc19 data

In the midi settings you can disable that midi track from sending knob data externally, look for int+Ext and switch it to Int

Big hugs from Berlin, problem solved, you guys are amazing!

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Nice :slight_smile:
ST and minitaur should be a great combo! Enjoy the jams