Can you help me re-create a pad sound that I lost?

Hi guys,

Please please can someone help me? For some reason I lost my kit and its sounds. !@%#^@

It was one of those moments I felt I was on to something, so I recorded it with my phone mic:

I know the quality is not that good, but you can hear the pad pretty decent through all the high pitch arpeggio sounds.

So there is this (detuned?) pad sound I’m after and I want to know this for sure to get going in the right direction:

  1. What is the right combination of oscillators and (de)tuning?

  2. What filter settings do I use to shape the sound to a not so sawy or growling sound but rather soft and warm?

  3. It sounds like I used some sort of transient pitched beginning of each note.

  4. There is also an envelope on the filter frequency, but I think I will find a solution for that when I’m almost there.

  5. The notes that are used are C3# and A2#

I have spend more than 10 hours to re-create the sound, but no luck. Can you help me out? You will save my day(s)!

Thanks :wink:

Just listened on low volume thru my phone but here’s what I think:

  1. Square OSC’s An octave apart. Use detune just a bit until you hear a slight difference. I didn’t hear any but any but I usually have an LFO do a tiny bit of drifting on the detune when doing pads!

  2. Low Pass is your friend here. You could try the gentler 2-pole slope to still have some high freqs or the 4-pole to really cut off the top.

  3. It actually sound like you just used glide trigs! Or P-locked the BND up and down for every other note. Try either.

My 2 cents!

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Wow thanks for your quick reply mate! I will check out for the glide trigs indeed!

Hmm. I still can’t get that nasal monotone sound. :frowning: any other ideas?

Have you tried the high pass filter as your second filter?

Yes I’m getting closer with that, but I think I hit some sweetspots back then like the detuning , overdrive and pulsewidths I guess. Also tried with chorus and other effects but still no luck. Gotta keep experimenting again :pray: