Can the A4 pass MIDI from a DAW to CV?

Can the A4 pass MIDI from a DAW to its CV outputs?

yes…default channel 6 :wink:

Thanks for the quick reply. Just been offered a SH101 at a good price so needed a quick answer on this. :slight_smile:

So would this be the case on Analog Keys too?

Is everything the same internally on both machines?
I hang out here to learn all the AKeys tips n tricks (hopefully)

Yes !

I know sequencing is possible but can you control a value using an lfo from the OT midi track?

no because there is no way to assign a controller number to the value parameter …(OT sends lfo as an controller or notenumber )…but why dont you just use the “value” sequenced in A4 or even the lfos sending value/lin?

Not used a OT, but i was wanting to control the A4 CV values via Konkreet Performer.

Use Live and Max 4 Live NRPN device. Have the MIDI CC controlling the macro and the macro controlling the value of the relevant NRPN number that controls one of the CV values on the A4.