Can someone help me with an audio interface? Fuse 16 Rig?

I’m not very good with the computer / audio interface thing. The issue is this new interface. The problem with me, is I overthink everything. I’m having a hard time setting this up with Ableton. Now, in Ableton, everything seems to work, I’m just not convinced it’s setup correctly.
For 1, in the matrix USB inputs 1 and 2 are missing. And in the screenshot below, I only see meters on USB 1/2 moving

I have things plugged into audio in (on the back of the 16 Rig) 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 all setup as linked or combined inputs if you will.

This, below, is the screen where 1/2 are missing

And a video. I would greatly appreciate some help. Thank you.

16 Rig - YouTube

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