Can Not Copy Samples to my Compact Flash Card


i have a big Problem. When i try to Copy Samples over my Macbook Pro, to the CF Card, there is always a Error Message.
I can Mount my CF Card over the Oktatrack (sometime it is possible to Mount the Card, sometimes not?!)
OK, when i try to Copy, not one File is possible to transfer to the Card.

I use Mavericks, and have a nother Mac (Mac Pro with Mountain Lion).
At both Computer, is there a Error.

What is the Problem :frowning: ???

Anyone a Idea?

pc user here … just a quick question, did you have your OT turned on, are you in the correct menu with the card tools, where it says usb connection?

fn+mixer -system - usb disk mode … ?

Please tell us what the error message is.

Yes, the Message ist " Can not Copy Sample is in Use" ?! But There is nothing
in use !!

I had exactly the same problem here, I bought a CF card usb hub - still a problem.
Then I bought a new CF card, formatted it, and it works (most of the time).

I still cannot copy anything to the CF card that came with the OT.
It either crashes/locks up the OT - or tells me that it is in use.
Must be something about the formatted card that Electron supply.
The whole USB thing is very flaky in the Mac world, there are many people out there complaining about this.

Of course - no help, customer support whatsoever from Electron on this crucial matter… communication/problem solving/ post sale help is not really their thing…
Robots running the company?

Cant wait for Rusty’s sample manager/editor - if this was not coming - I was going to dump it and stay ITB.
I need reliable transfer of files - or OT is a total waste of my time (and money)
Best of luck.


thx for the Answer. OK, sounds bad! But i try my best, i call Elektron and ask about that.

hello hello,

now i have a solution for this problem!
weeks ago, i was calling to the company. i described my problem.
elektron exchanged my cf card with a new one.

and it works!! without any problems =)

OK, now with this Workflow, there are for me no problems at all