Can I use a sample loaded in a sample slot in RAM on more than one track without using extra RAM?

For example:

I have a sample chain with 8 sampes in it.

Can I just load it into a single sample slot in RAM once and then use it in tracks 1-8 (for example track 1 kick, track 2 snare, track hat etc.).

Or do I have to load the sample into 8 sample slots in RAM, one for each track?

One sample can be assigned to all 8 tracks, so you only need one of it ram, you don’t need to load it 8 times in ram


Wrapping your head around samples and sounds will set you free.


Are DT sample chains in multiples of 4 samples? E.g. 4/8/16/32/64 slices.

Is there an auto sample chain maker?

I remember there used to be Octachainer for the OT.

Awesomely entrepreneurial elektronaut user @brian3kb made a fantastic app for exactly that. Read all about on his thread at


This exactly. I wish it could be from 1, 2, 4…(live tweaking retrig stuff purpose).

Seems too late to change that, or we’d need a new super slice machine with start/end per slice, auto chop, zero crossing snap, any number of slices from 1 to 128…:loopy:

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This is amazing!

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