Can i send "cv trigs" to some spring reverb, space echo etc?

so, instead of plocking internal reverb sends, could something similar be triggered in the analog domain?

that would be dope!

are you talking effects pedals?? if so, and the accept control voltages then yes

Yeah definitely. A4 cv outs are Awesome. I’ve modded a small
Stone phaser to accept cv and its working really well. It would work better with a logarithmic scaled cv (wip) but its still great.

I’m interested to know what aspect of the effects you want to control and if you have any particular models in mind. I’ve never thought until now but electro mechanically trigging the spring on a reverb would be interesting.

Ah. Re-reading your post I think I see what you are getting at. Controlling wet/dry mix or the aux send on a mixer with cv would be amazing but this isn’t something available as standard (as far as I know). The world of modular synths is where all the infinite possibilities happen at the moment and its a shame for that it requires a bit more than just buying an effects box to achieve the goal in mind. Modular interconnect able hardware is the future. Moog do some nice units.

Ekdahl moisturiser is a spring reverb with cv controllable wet dry mix.