Can I preview a sample before loading it to a Sample Lock?

I know that it’s possible to preview a sample before loading it to a Track by hitting “Function + Yes”. But is there a way to preview a sample before loading it into a Flex Lock?

It would be helpful to hear the sound I am loading before I assign it.

Thanks in advance.

What do u mean with Flex Lock? i’m asking only because you can sample lock files also to Static machine.

Anyway, i dont think there is a way to preview while you’re pressing TRIG+scrolling TRK LEV.

When a trig is sample locked with a Flex Machine, and you press and hold that trig, a menu will appear on the left side of the screen that says “Flex Lock”. That’s what I mean by Flex Lock.

But yes, it does appear to be the case that you can not preview sounds in this mode. If someone knows differently, please chime in!

The slot list appears also with Static, not only with Flex (that’s why i was confused)

The preview happens only in the real SlotList. I believe there is not even a way, apart from your memory, to preview a sound while placing a samplelock