I want to do the following on my Machinedrum and was hoping it was possible…
Create various sample banks for each drum type: Kick, Snare, Hat, Tom etc etc. (Rather than complete kits containing all types of sounds - as this will make it much quicker and easier to audition and select samples for drumkit parts).
I then want to be able to create kits picking and choosing from the different sample banks. At the moment I only seem to be able to create a kit from one sample bank because as soon as I change the sample bank all the sounds in the kit change to sounds from that bank - even if they were first loaded from another bank.
Resulting, for example, in a whole kit of snares, or whole kit of hi hats.
Is there a way that I can load, say, a kick from my Kicks ROM in BD track 1, and then move to the snare sample bank, select my snare, load the snare into the SD track 2, then move to hat sample bank, repeat, until all tracks are filled with ROM sounds from different sample banks?
I also tried this. I filled my MD with various sample banks, like only kicks, snares and hihats.
But you can only load 1 bank per snapshot and then also the rom samples in your kits are exchanged
What I did was making a new empty sample bank and copy paste the samples from the other sample banks. However I found it very frustrating to switching between banks continuously. And difficult to select a new sounds, because you cannot hear the entire mix when selecting new sound. That’s way is stopped working this way.
Now I just focus on making the perfect ROM bank which suits my sound and use this in my your project. Sometimes add some new nice sample along the way.
Thanks for your reply. That’s a shame because it means that I will basically have to put kits together in Ableton and then transfer them across before use (which is a ballache already)…this to some extent makes the machinedrum redundant except for non sample based drums in terms of studio workflow…
Feature request here please if anyone from Elektron sees this!
I did the same thing as NOXICAL. I started making banks of only one type of drum, but then after trying to use this workflow abandoned it. Obviously you can copy a ROM machine from one sound bank to another, but it’s just so damn tedious.
I was actually lying in bed last night trying to figure a “better” way for using the sound banks!
I am also a bit disappointed as @Richbeans that one can’t select samples from different ROM banks within the same kit. It’s a bit frustrating…if anyone has any idea how to work this around please shoot!!