I guess it sounds less buzzier than on demos online, especially the sound of the raw oscillators. Could it just be my speakers ?
Probably not your speakers if you’re listening to the video on the same speakers you’re listening to your A4 on.
Your A/D converter could be inferior though or you could be getting lots of jitter (unlikely, but possible)
Can’t comment on your speakers but, as far as the question in the title goes, I can hear differences between oscillators on mine…subtle but definitely real so I’d say most definitely yes.
the beauty of analog gear. they will change ever so slightly with extended use as well
Hum, I’m going to ask the local music shop if I can compare my unit to to theirs on the same monitors
make sure you use headphones on both units and unplug everything else
there’s way too many factors that could influence the end sound, try factory resetting both and ensure the OS is the same too.
Will do, thanks for helping !
This may sound really silly, but better safe than sorry :
be aware that the “raw initialized” oscillators have the lowpass filter already closed off.
hence, the default sound will sound less “buzzy” than a sound with filter 1 fully open.
Why Elektron have decided to make the initialized sound NOT fully initialized is beyond my comprehension, but there you go.
Make sure that you FULLY initialize an initialized sound before engaging in comparisons
Hope this helps !
i’d be annoyed if my A4 (analog, in the flesh) sounded exactly like an online demo !!
fwiw - i think there are even tiny tiny differences between voices but i’d be amazed if there were significant differences between boxes
This may sound really silly, but better safe than sorry :
be aware that the “raw initialized” oscillators have the lowpass filter already closed off.
hence, the default sound will sound less “buzzy” than a sound with filter 1 fully open.
Why Elektron have decided to make the initialized sound NOT fully initialized is beyond my comprehension, but there you go.
Make sure that you FULLY initialize an initialized sound before engaging in comparisons
Hope this helps !
there’s a thread on the analog keys forum where Elektron explain why the default sound is exactly the way it is and is in their opinion the most natural/flat starting point - so zero res is not the most neutral !
This may sound really silly, but better safe than sorry :
be aware that the “raw initialized” oscillators have the lowpass filter already closed off.
hence, the default sound will sound less “buzzy” than a sound with filter 1 fully open.
Why Elektron have decided to make the initialized sound NOT fully initialized is beyond my comprehension, but there you go.
Make sure that you FULLY initialize an initialized sound before engaging in comparisons
Hope this helps !
Care to explain like i’m a 5 year old ? I’m new to this stuff !
initializing an initialized sound means (for me)…open fully the F1 cutoff.
The manual says something about the F2 in HP with a value of something around 20 and some Rez in too…this, following what I’ve read, should give flat response in regard of the original osc sound
thank you, I’m curious to see this, will look for it now
Avantronica, I’m having a hard time finding this post you refer to. Care to help out ? I’m sure a lot of users are interested in Elektron’s decision to create an Init patch that is not actually initialized (!?!)
See A4 manual, page 60.
i understand your thought, i too thought along those lines, i’d really like a user definable vanilla state, that applied to all the menus where you ‘zero’ out your current page settings too - however, they touch on the thinking behind the current ‘init’ values a bit in this thread !
Cool, thank you, I had seen that before, it still doesn’t really make sense to me, however, I use a “default” sound anyways, so it’s no big deal for me. I suspect that it may have turned off a few potential buyers who don’t know much about synthesis, and assumed that the “raw” oscillator sound was indeed quite dull.
Most (if not all) of the demo’s online have been subjected to some kind of external precessing (eg: compression, reverb, etc.), so keep that in mind!