Can A4 do this in Live Rec Mode

I just had an idea and I happen to NOT be with my A4 right now to test it out but i figure I can ask you guys…

Can you Live Record across multiple patterns if their chained together? I just thought about chaining together Pattern A01-A16 hitting Live Record and recording a lead across all 16 patterns in one sitting. Can it be done? If so I’m in for one helluva night once i get home. Thanks!

You can on the OT. Sorry, not directly helpful, but i’m thinking if the OT can, why couldn’t the A4.

I’m hopeful. There are certain KEY features they don’t put on the A4 just so you can go buy an OT or MM or MD like MIDI SEQUENCING. I still love my A4. I hope the A4 does th is wonderful thing I’m thinking it can do.

not near my A4 either, but shits a brick
don’t see a reason why this wouldn’t work… never tried it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
if you want to have more than 16 steps per pattern & the patterns are empty, it might be necessary to prep each one before recording…

not one for arranging myself - but this does work - long patterns is one thing, but changing kits adds a bit of interest -chain mode is a little clunky for monitoring the current pattern if it’s more than two stages and not in edit mode - chain 4 * 14 step patterns is simpler than working on a 56 step single pattern - good shout OP :+1:

I never even considered doing this. Excellent workaround for recording longer parts. Now if only we could use that CV channel for MIDI…

This sounds interesting. What happens if you press a note down at the end of one pattern and release it in the next one, does the length get recorded properly?

^ not likely

2Bit: no no, it does! As note length is locked with the note itself.

I do this all the time as the A4 lacks individual time track time signatures. So I have to chain to get longer harmonic progressions.

I don’t know if it works when the kit is changed though. But that can be tested easily.