Can A.R do decent Basslines?

Usable bass, certainly.
Some variety too. You can get big 808, atlanta hip hop style pitched sub - bass out of the BT machine, and more mono synth style bass out of a few of the BD machines.

Also, single cycle waveforms played in LOOP mode from the sample layers can get the job done. The analog VCAs and filters impart some good juice on those.


Wowzer I was looking at a DSI Tempest and it lacks some of the features that I want in the Elektron gear so it is encouraging to see DSI folks here looking at Elektron gear so I am on the right track :slight_smile:

The only downside on the AR is the drum pads are kinda small.

Indeed, I got my favorite bass from these…
It’s so simple to deactivate the synth layer and just go crazy with the filter…

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