C6 software crash on Mac

I instal the C6 few weeks ago and was working fine, now the c6 opens but when i click on the config tab the software crash!! Any ideas what should I do?

Thank you

what’s open? is there MIDI stuff running that may be conflicting? have you tried re downloading it?

Also have you tried turning your computer off and on again?

You should try to repair your disk’s permissions then reboot your Mac.

Got the exact same problem! Have emailed support but have not yet received a response. Will try disk permissions thing when I get back from work. Cheers!

disk permissions have nothing to do with this.
you gotta delete c6’s preferences, they can get borked somehow.

open Terminal.app, then paste this and hit enter:

rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/se.elektron.c6.plist

I try to delete the plist but did not do anything, maybe is some problem with the new OSX update, I don’t know, is just really frustrate, lets keep trying.

Void, I think you save my day!!! did the plist form terminal and seams to be working!! Thank yu very much!

Nice one Void!