When i click on the configuration button of C6, it’s crash and shut down.
I’m on mac osx 10.7. I try versions C6 1.4 et C6 1.5.
How can i do a complete unsintall and reinstall it?
hi, i am windows user, but C6 is ( i quote another user here from the forum) a piece of shit stuck to the heel of Elektron!
i need to reboot my pc probably 5 times becaues c6 decided to crash on me, and not restart … reinstalling c6 probably wont solve the question… rebooting is my answer, it will work eventually …good luck
Worth noting that Elektron released version 1.5 on 4/30. Don’t think I saw it mentioned, but my issues are improved (although not totally fixed). I’m sorry it isn’t working for the OP, but it’s better than it had been on 10.8, so you might want to update if you haven’t yet.
Yea I am on Mac osx 10.7.5 and I am having the same issue as OP!
WOW a new C6 version ??? totally passed me by! … thanks for telling me!
C6 was / has been working fine for me up until about an hour ago. I now have the same problem, when I click on config it quits (Mac 10.9.2 & C6 1.5)
So now I can’t transfer any samples to the RYTM… No idea why it’s stopped. I went for dinner and now this weirdness.
I really wish you could just copy (and manage) files to the RYTM via a USB mounted drive. Would be so much simpler and user friendly.
i use appzapper to unsintall et i reinstall it. It works again
SySex Libriarian. Works every time…
@AUX - Doesn’t seem to want to transfer samples for me. Won’t accept WAV or AIF files.
I managed to get my C6 working again. Go to finder and press: ‘shift’ + ‘cmd’ + g this will bring up a window asking you to go to a folder. Type ‘~/Library/Preferences/’ and press Enter. From in there (your user preferences folder) move ‘se.elektron.c6.plist’ to the trash.
That should do it - though it’s very easy to break it again.