C6 and sending sounds

So I find a patch I like and send it to my A4 but there’s two issues that im having

  1. can patches only be loaded directly into the pool, then saved to banks A, B, C etc afterwards? Can you not save directly into the +drive

  2. everytime i load a patch into my sound pool it sends the patch to a random slot say 1, then 60 , then 90. How can you designate which slot you’d like the patch to go in when sending patches to your sound pool?

I figured the A4 would just send it to the next available slot and/or the next available empty slot…but this is not the case.

the position of the sound is stored within the sysex… so the sound will end up wherever the creator of the patch had it saved…

and if you send a sound to the A4 just so, it’ll always be saved to the pool…

but you can override this behaviour if you enter GLOBAL > SYSEX DUMP > RECEIVE…
there you can choose the destination for received sysex things.

on my A4 i couldnt figure out to make save to drive work, so always and only option for me yet … is to clear the pool, save sounds into the pool, afterwards move sounds form the pool to the drive, to a location of my liking.

i think 90 percent of elektron users have a problem with c6