So I find a patch I like and send it to my A4 but there’s two issues that im having
can patches only be loaded directly into the pool, then saved to banks A, B, C etc afterwards? Can you not save directly into the +drive
everytime i load a patch into my sound pool it sends the patch to a random slot say 1, then 60 , then 90. How can you designate which slot you’d like the patch to go in when sending patches to your sound pool?
I figured the A4 would just send it to the next available slot and/or the next available empty slot…but this is not the case.
on my A4 i couldnt figure out to make save to drive work, so always and only option for me yet … is to clear the pool, save sounds into the pool, afterwards move sounds form the pool to the drive, to a location of my liking.
i think 90 percent of elektron users have a problem with c6