C&G Organelle M is brilliant!

I’m considering getting one of these primarily as an effects unit as this thing seems to give a lot for the money. Is it possible to use the stereo input as dual mono inputs so I can hook it up to two separate sends on my mixer?

Yes, assuming you don’t mind programming it.

Amazing, thanks! definitely something I’ll be getting further down the line.

Orac supports dual mono, out of the box :slight_smile:


Aha, awesome!

I messed with Orac briefly last night for the second time, it is pretty amazing and quite intuitive, though still stumped by a few things like how to add new orac compatible patches in and assigning modulation to the actual parameter in a patch. It was late and I was tired though.

But incredible potential here, for me not being a “computer guy” Organelle with Orac seems too good to be true, none of the hassles I dislike about using modern desktop operating systems but many of the advantages of software tools.

Seems like as good a compromise as I have ever experienced, it feels like an instrument not a computer yet has the flexibility which things that I tried before did not.


Ugh, ordered.

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New update:


Im interested. Does it have a song mode?(yeh i know pathetic but i like song modes).

Could anyone detail what the main points of difference between this and Norns are? They both have a similar ‘make of them what you will’ code-based vibe, which makes it hard for a non-coder like me to get their head around. Obv the Organelle has speaker and keyboard so is more instant, but does Norns do stuff Organelle doesn’t?

No, it probably could but I don’t think I’ve seen any examples that do.

I think @thetechnobear is probably best placed to answer this as I believe he has both. For me the Organelle’s appeal is the portability and fixed hardware architecture, I’d probably suggest if you are not a coder the Organelle is the better place to start perhaps - out of the box ready to play, lots of cool patches pre-loaded.

Oh yeah and check out my mad coding skills! :joy:


Truly the music of the spheres! :ok_hand:

I know right? :slight_smile:

But seriously I think that PD the programming environment is a lot simpler to grok than text based coding, especially if you know a little about synthesis, there are tons of video tutorials and books about PD as well as of course modifying existing patches to better suit your needs.

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yeah, id echo @darenager comments.
if you’re a non-coder (or beginner) and want to create patches, then I think Pure Data (Organelle) is easier than Supercollider + Lua (Norns).
I believe some have even used Automatonism on Organelle, so even less ‘coding’ :slight_smile:

the best thing about norns is its bigger screen, and the face it uses encoders rather than potentiometers, but the organelles ‘complete’ nature (with keyboard) means I use it much more often.

for non-coders - I would also have a look at the patches available for both,
whilst technically you can say the organelle-m and norns are quite similar - I find it quite surprising how different the patches are for both.

note: be careful with norns, some patches are made/optimised for users with monome grids.

no… and honestly I’m not sure what would look like or operate.

it does however support program changes to switch patches… so you can use an external sequencer to do that … though you might need to give it a little time to load the new patch in.


I tried Automatonism on Organelle and it works quite nicely, although I did somehow manage to get the CPU meter to hit 1443% when patching a fairly basic patch that used 34% CPU. I think it was because the patch was running and I added a looper module, it settled down after a few seconds though.

Thanks @hyperstationjr for the heads up on Automatonism.

On the C&G sampler patches noticing a few bugs, not sure if these are due to the recent update or not, I have not looked into it properly yet.

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another reason the M is brilliant …

as trackers now seem to becoming popular again, I wanted to give them a go…
time to install SunVox onto the Organelle-M for a totally portable solution
(all powered off Organelles’s 4 x AA batteries :slight_smile: )



Details on C&G forum.
it’s a lot of fun, I’m really impressed with SunVox, and also how it adapts to a small screen.


oh wow… now im considering a Organelle M :sweat_smile: I suppose I should wait for the polyend tracker to be fully revealed…

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You’d probably enjoy it, even the included patches are mostly pretty great, then the community ones, PD, automatonism, even audacity. Really handy and fun.

Sorry, not helping am I? :smile:

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