I’m the first person to admit that when something goes it’s my ignorance and not the machine, usually.
But in this case I don’t understand.
The OT has been doing strange things lately with how it talks to my synths. One minute it’s playing in this octave, then the next. Some stuff I’ve forgotten, but I’ve been annoyed at what it’s doing, but I’ve thought hey maybe I f*cked something up here? Or maybe it’s one of my synths?
But in this video you can see some bugs. I have a simple Mills style arp being sent to an external synth. I put a snare/tambo in there for timing. You can hear it in sync, all well and good (it’s recorded on my new Note 3 and I must say the mic is actually really good…)
Then, at 0:30, I start twiddling some CCs in live record mode. Then, when the bars come round again and play the arps with CC information, the arps speed up and go out of time. You can hear it against the click track.
I was only effecting one CC, a simple VCO–>ENV for the 2nd OSC, nothing timing related, and it shouldn’t matter as it’s effecting the timing of the arp which is MIDI information in the OT, no?
Any ideas? I turned everything off and on again and no luck…
I’ve experienced the same problem with my OT talking to my Virus TI2. Tweaking the CC from the OT (in my case for Filter Freq) seems to record fine during live rec mode, but then when the loop comes around and plays back it occasionally hits a value that I definitely did not record (jumping from some mid level to a 127 or a 0, then back again). And it hits the value consistently, as if it recorded a transient peak or valley (when no such thing occurred).
I know that this OT has been buggy since we got it.
It does too many wrong things, sometimes I’ll load a project and it’ll play the wrong stems, then I’ll turn it off and on and the right stems will play. Sometimes I don’t even need to power it off, it’ll just change over by stopping and starting the seq a few times…
It’ll switch between octaves on my external synths, randomly.
Things like that, makes me thing something is wrong.
I want to do a factory reset. I can see how to do it in the manual, but I don’t know exactly what I need to back up? Obviously not the CF stuff, but is tehre any info on the OT that I need to backup at all? Apart from flex files?
I tried something like your situation, but arpeggiating the A4 while tweaking CC2 controlling F1ENV then F1 CUTOFF.
The arpeggiator kept steady …no out-of sync.
Can you make a sysex and upload it? so we can figure out closer what is going on
Sorry I don’t know how to make a sysex dump for you to read.
Either way, it’s likely to be gone now, that problem.
My ongoing problem is lot’s of strange behavior from this particular OT, such as synths randomly jumping octaves when triggered by MIDI, incorrect samples being loaded in audio tracks and then magically loading the correct ones with touching the OT a few minutes later, lot’s of small things like that.
I want to do a factory reset today. Obviously it won’t touch the CF card, but is there anything in the OT itself I need to back up before hand?
Has anyone found the solution to the problem? I have the same issue.Some tracks behave abnormally and specifically some MIDI tracks play random notes instead of the assigned ones.
I just experienced this last night and today. Arp playing simple 16th notes, have assigned mod wheel and filter cutoff for cc’s.
Synth is on local off, if I let the arp go and tweak the parameters from the synth or the OT, everything is fine, arp stays in time, tweaks are heard.
Issue is when I live record the knob tweaks, the arp goes out of time when the pattern cycles back around and plays the cc’s… (It’s not stepping of cc’s, the arp notes are no longer on the right beat)
Since the synth is on local off and all the tweaks are fine when making them manually, it shows that it’s not midi data choking, it only happens when the sequencer plays back the live recording…
Sounds like the OT is sending and receiving the midi for turning it’s own knob in addition to the CC info for the midi track. It’s getting midi and encoder input for the same control at the same time from a midi feedback loop.
Thanks @StinkyBeat but no feedback loops on my watch…
Oddly, I’ve tracked it down to microtiming of the trigless locks. If I move the trigless locks to “on grid” after the live record, the arp stays in time.
So my temp solution is to enable quanize live record, which works!
Now the question is why is the microtiming of trigless locks in the middle of a sequence affecting an arp launched on step 1?
I believe its support ticket time…