Buggy device?

It’s been a few days I turned on my DN since I am in India at the moment and I am encountering issues like that:

The device is frozen with the Elektron logo on the screen. Nothing responds, i can just re-start the machine.

Can it be due to unstable electricity?
The OT is next to it but works without issue while being plugged at the same power strip.

No USB cable plugged in.


Does it ever boot up, or does it always hang on the boot screen?

It’s starting but this happened after mire than an hour being on and working well.

At least disconnect all cables, ensure correct PSU and turn off for 30 seconds

Then try

If no good

Try get test menu up

Never reboot too fast !!!


Any MIDI input ?

Does it do it on different projects?

One that I had was crashing all over the place, but it only seemed to do it for one project.

Have you tried reinstalling the firmware?

Test mode?

If it makes it into test mode on start up, something in the boot loader stage is hanging up. You might try a sysex firmware reload but if you haven’t done a recent backup I would only reload firmware, I would not factory reset.

If you can’t make it into test mode, the machine might be bricked, but I don’t want to jinx you. You need to contact support because it will probably save you some time, even if they’re slow to respond.

I had this too after a couple months of owning the original Digitone. There was no way to fix it, support had me mail it back to them. Turnaround was a month or so.

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Similar happened here. Test mode showed this.

Elektron support offered spare main board for cheap but I wanted to repair and save e-waste.
I inspected the electronics, fortunately was repairable. One of the big BGA chip needed a resoldering.

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I know I have to wait when rebooting, the capacitor needs to discharge.

For info i’m on firmware 1.51.
I suspect the issue happens when the device enters in sleep mide after some time without being used.

No errors found in Test mode.


In India ?

OT MKI ? (Different PSU)

I hope it is just a power problem !

Yep i corrected it :sweat_smile:

Nope OT MKII, each machine has its own PSU and they are identical.

I’ll send a message to Elektron, it really looks as if the device cannot get out of sleep mode.

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Still no news from Elektron support, my DN is restarting intempestively, it’s really bothering and scary for live use…

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