I’ve been trying to track down how this happens for some time because I think it’s causing these random errors/questions that people post from time to time that no one else can duplicate.
I currently have a project and Track 1 is read only for the Playback parameters. I can twist all the knobs, change values in the setup page and none of it changes what I’m hearing. I can swap in different samples and it doesn’t change the behavior.
Furthermore, I can use LFOs to modulate all the params on the Playback page successfully; I just can’t change them from the front panel.
I believe you might have found a bug, as I could not duplicate this behaviour with any standard OT settings.
At first, I was guessing that AUDIO CC INT was switched off, but this also turns off knob control of LFOs, which is not consistent with what you describe, if I understand correctly. (you are still able to change LFO speed and amount from the front panel?)
You are correct, and it’s only for this one track in the project. The other 7 tracks behave correctly.
I believe it’s a corrupted project in some way, but I haven’t tried ‘fixing’ the project in case Elektron wants to take a look at it in its current state.
When I have a bug, it’s industrial strength. This one survives reboots and reloading the project.
I do feel it got corrupted somehow and then saved, but not corrupted enough to prevent loading.
When I have a bug, it’s industrial strength. This one survives reboots and reloading the project.
I do feel it got corrupted somehow and then saved, but not corrupted enough to prevent loading.[/quote]
Do you mind including me for testing this out?
I popped the CF card out, went to a second OT, inserted it, selected the set, selected the project, and it came up only track 1 active and Playback params unresponsive. I loaded a different project back into OT #1 and it played (and edited) normally.
Are you running 1.25B?
Scene 1 has a lock on Pitch -3 on Track 1. Then Scene 1 is loaded to both Scene A and B on the crossfader. Took me a while to find it as well But not a bug.
Oooo - excellent find. I’ll check the entire scene since none of the Playback params have an effect.
I guess that’s what happens when you start something then get interrupted then come back days later. I have no recollection of actually setting Scene 1 to both A and B. Glad it’s not a bug/corrupted project.
This also explains why my sanity check (move the fader full left and then right) didn’t reveal anything – same scene in both locations.
As a reminder - holding down a Scene button will show the tracks/pages that have Scene Locks on them (page 62 of the manual).
Oooo - excellent find. I’ll check the entire scene since none of the Playback params have an effect.
I guess that’s what happens when you start something then get interrupted then come back days later. I have no recollection of actually setting Scene 1 to both A and B. Glad it’s not a bug/corrupted project.
This also explains why my sanity check (move the fader full left and then right) didn’t reveal anything – same scene in both locations.
As a reminder - holding down a Scene button will show the tracks/pages that have Scene Locks on them (page 62 of the manual).[/quote]
This has had my sanity saved many times!
(ahem… well, sanity is a matter of definition… there are others that disagree on me having any at all in first place… )