Broken R&W Minicommand

Hello, would anybody know if it possible to buy a new button for my minicommand ?

One of the 4 clickable buttons on either side of the LCD has failed - it has stopped clicking … It was feeling sticky so I squirted in some Servisol Super 10 switch cleaning lubricant … With no luck ! Doesn’t even click now… Bah.

I’ve tried to dry it with a hair dryer , blow it out with compressed air and just let it sit all day in the sunshine… Not having any of it.

Could anybody here fix it ? Or do you know of any good techs that would take the job on ? U.K. Based preferably.

Cheers if you can help.

not sure which switches are used but probably standard ones so you should be ok with that. i would help but i’m in germany :expressionless: …i reckon someone with some soldering skills will be able to get things sorted for you

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Hi Guga, I could post an image of the switch… I’ve tried doing a search but I’m not clued up on components and their specifics.

Yeah, it doesn’t look like a major operation but I would rather give it to someone with some skills.

I’ll bear you in mind :+1:

Guga - thanks so much for doing the search… Got 2 on order. :+1:

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:slight_smile: you’re welcome

:slight_smile: you’re welcome[/quote]
Guga, are you willing to share the part numbers in case anyone else has this problem in the future, please?

I could take a look at it for you if you still need someone to fix it. I’m in the UK.

Email me:

:slight_smile: you’re welcome[/quote]
Guga, are you willing to share the part numbers in case anyone else has this problem in the future, please?[/quote]
yep sure, here’s the part (may need to check with other shops as well…)

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:+1: you’re welcome :slight_smile:

Neil Baldwin.
Cheers, though i managed to fix it in the end…

After Guga sourced the part, i ordered 2 then started to de-solder it… That was a bit hairy - i couldn’t free it all so i snipped the pins/legs, got 3 out but the 4th last one was not playing… ha ha … was scared i was going to fry a couple of them tiny SMT resistor jobs by constantly poking at it with my soldering iron.

Convinced i’d fried it, until the parts turned up today. Threw the new switch in, 4 blobs of solder and all is goodness.

I’ll bear you in mind in future as i always have loads of bits failing on me and i’m not fully confident in my soldering.

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