Broken buttons

Anyone ever had broken buttons? How to fix it? Send it away for repair?
Seems like life is a big broken button.

Sending it in would be your best bet other than fixing it yourself.

I always remember that thread when thinking of opening my Elektrons…
Kinda scary… Ok those are for knobs, but I guess its not that far for the buttons…

You should get in touch with Elektron support :slight_smile:

I did, I did, mind you, crikey, blimey…
Recently, however, I had to put the monomachine in the fritz again, while I just wanted to make it sound warm like it was on the fritz.
There even was this strange electric message from a guy called Cenk with a button where his eye should be,
and then… all of a sudden,
a picture of cows eating some sort of grass in the fields,
So I tried discretely hypnotizing the broken buttoms to no avail & then silence…

It’s an easy fix they said.
But how do you take the base of the broken button off?

I have replaced the encoders and I would approach the buttons the same way… Open up the unit and then try to snip parts of the button enclosure off with side cutters… The key thing you are looking to do is to remove (desolder) the soldered legs indvidually as this is easier than trying to remove the whole button unit… This on a scale of difficulty is about a medium if you have soldering skills…

I soldered 2 new buttons in and I’m making a lemur midi control template.
Does anyone perchance know how to make a track select button in lemur?


I want to change three encoders on my Monomachine.
I need to return my machine at Elektron?
The encoders operate but they move their axis…
