Both Forums Are F#CT

Having 2 forums running has really put me off from visiting much anymore as the EU site is riddled with spam half the users are still on there and then this forum is hard to navigate… I have been on many message boards and this has to be the hardest one to figure out…

For me the spark has been lost… I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way…

defo is weird.

yes, the new forum site is not perfect, and e-u has the spam, but is this the cause of people staying away?

there is a noticeable decline in user activity, or am i imagining things?

Here is an example of an easy to navigate forum message board…

Why can’t this site be like the above…

I think this forum has some nice touches/functionality, but the layout does not show enough actual information due to all the oversized borders, headers/footers, and the iOS and XP support needs some work, I find that I tend to post much less here because I have lost posts and can’t be arsed to retype it all again. Up until recently I was unable to complete my profile due to some bug but at least it now has been fixed, so hopefully things will continue to be improved.

Perhaps its because

a) the sun is shining

b) people are using their spare time actually making music

I haven’t figured out how to get to the main forum list yet… always end up back on the main news page.

Click where it says “Forum” of top, you’ll go back to the list of forums.

I too feel this site is really slow to actually check and see info on. Every single forum I visit is always done by bookmarking the “Show new posts” page, which this forum doesn’t have. We have “Forum Activity”, but it’s not really the same thing.

I did have a problem with this as well using OSX 10.8.2

Does seem to be working now though.

Geez, I’m not that bad!

If I click the main “Forum” at the top of the page (address: ) or “Forum” in “Forum » General Discussion” (address: ) from this thread it sends me to the main page (address: )

I did have a problem with this as well using OSX 10.8.2

Does seem to be working now though.[/quote]

Seemed to be ok yesterday; but back to normal/problem again now?

Win7 with FireFox

If I have any criticism of the new design it’s that I worry that having so many separate subforums here splits the posts across too many sections. That could make it harder to get threads started and keep them going.

I personally preferred having all the elektron device posts in one forum as I have all of them so any posts there are interesting to me. Now I’ve got to look at four separate forums to see the same content.

At the moment Elektronauts isn’t really optimized for smartphones. But we intend to release a mobile friendly version of the site as well. First of all though, we’ll optimize the current computer oriented version.