Blush Response calling out Elektron Manuals

Private Parts?

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The irony is Rolandā€™s service manuals used to be some of the most informative Iā€™ve come across with in-depth descriptions of circuits, data handling etc. itā€™s just a shame they were never written for end user consumption.

ā€˜Principles of Loveā€™ is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life.
I need to print out my OT manual for more hmm research :robot:

Sure. Iā€™m all for ramps, braille and what not.
But dumbing down information in general, because folks like us canā€™t concentrate, means dumbing down everyone else.

I think I have one of those! :laughing: I like to read Elektron manuals and a lot of other technical documentation. Iā€™m aware that we might be in the minority, haha


Or as my mate says ā€œhaving a bit of a danceā€


Making things easier to understand for everyone isnā€™t ā€œdumbing them down.ā€


Yeah, I want some of that negative latency too. I couldnā€™t find anything about it in the manual! :wink:

itā€™s one area of LLMs and progression of ā€œAIā€ that excites me.

reforming educational systems to adjust in real time to the hugely diverse learning styles of humanity.
if it can dumb/slow it down - speed it up at a pace that suits individuals to arrive at the same end goal then that can only be a good thing.

i wouldnā€™t be surprised if hardware will have a real time learning system that talks the user through the interface and specific functions.


i like elektron manuals.

I donā€™t read em, but I like em.


hopefully Thom Yorke will pipe up in this thread


I really dislike them too :see_no_evil:

Way too dry and technical for me to understand where to go with all that information. I personally prefer when itā€™s mixed up with use case examples within the information.

That said, Iā€™m also someone with ADHD, sue me :wink:


I actually think I should read the Elektron manuals again.
There are a few things that are still unclear to meā€¦ Looking at you, :elmm: and :elot:ā€¦


if I had kids Iā€™d read em elektron manual bedtime stories


Hold up! Did you guys know the Digitone has a manual? This is awesome!


Iā€™m holding a book burning for elektron manuals at my gig in Seoul next week. RSVP to me privately for location details


The warm glow and gentle cracking of a good book burning warms my cockles.


I completely agree.
Iā€™ve never understood the RTFM comments.
For one not everyone has good reading comprehension, two reading a manual up front to learn seems counter productive. Itā€™s after youā€™ve learned to navigate around that the manuals become useful for me.
The Elektron manual terminology is definitely complex for simple things.
Parts for the OT comes to mind.

I do find Elektron boxes simple to grasp though.
The OT gets a lot of flack for being too complex.
I find it extremely simple and gets more so over time.
In relation to Live Lite itā€™s much easier to learn, but very much a similar idea.
All of their boxes remind me of Ableton native instruments broken out into a piece of hardware.

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+1 for this. Although Iā€™m not into industrial/noise that much I really dig the reviews from Blush Response because he makes the module work for what he wants. He doesnā€™t just make some insipid lift music

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Most of us took it as such :smiley:

But yā€™know, internet and tone and all thatā€¦

Theoreticals about learning and pedagogy are not really geared towards those developing these standards at any national scale sadly.

I appreciate being able to ask stupid music theory questions, but they alsoā€¦ lie. A lot. Boldly.

The agent will explicitly tell me things that arenā€™t true in order to seem knowledgeable and not like a data sockpuppet.

If scaled to children, this is not going to be used to instruct on anything but a specific form of Nationalist Realism without the additional lens of decent teachers.

Itā€™s an interesting tool for people to play with the bounds of, but itā€™s not a great replacement for anything beyond additional focused tutoring in areas itā€™s been explicitly trained on with good data.

I donā€™t have a ton of confidence that the people who want to ā€œrevolutionize learningā€ are going to do anything but privatize knowledge and pretend that GPT bullshitting is a proper substitute for instructors.