Blokas Midihub

Thanks man. Was thinking of going out of a different midi device into the midihub, then out to the synths. Should work that way. Cool stuff, cause then I’m thinking of configuring a per midi channel setup. That way I’d have presets basically.

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Yep that should work! I’m actually thinking about getting a Touche myself – one of the things I’ve found about the MIDIhub is now that I have it, I keep thinking fo more ways to use it creatively :slight_smile:


I’ve been meaning to test the clock as master clock since I recently went ITB for all my sequencing. When I get around to trying it, I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!

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That would be great petajaja. If it works good this box would tick a lot of boxes for me

Haven’t used clock as master, but it’s range is 30 bpm - 286-ish?

Bpm goes up in twos with CC, you have to use a tempo divider pipe to get to odd numbered bpms, but that only gets you as far as about 157. Bit awkward but i’m sure they’re working on it

May as well crosspost this, was in a feature envy thread but no one seemed very interested. Essentially I did an exercise in making a triggerable MIDI sequencer with midihub:

  • MIDI channel (eg 1) on OT into midihub
  • use ‘dispatcher’ pipe to send each sequential note to a different (virtual) MIDI channel
  • insert CC#17 (playback param #2 STRT/SLC) after NOTE ON
  • using virtual IO, make a separate pipe for each channel, and scale the CC message (127 / 16)
  • remap the channels to an output channel (eg 2)

What this allows you to do is play notes on an OT MIDI channel to trigger a sixteen step MIDI sequence. That’s the basic gist of it, but you can go off the rails from here. You could have unique values or CC LFOs for retrig, LFOs, FX, crossfader, and scenes per step. And then there’s OT arp to put on top if ya like.

I found it’s much more reliable to insert most messages after NOTE ON to set up the next trigger than try and get them in for the current one. You can set up CCs for most internal settings on midihub, so you could use OT to control things like whether to filter the MIDI notes, change the output MIDI channel, or to activate randomizers, or…

I can share the basic patch if anyone is interested. Also, i’m pretty sure blokas will probably come out with a sequence pipe and make all this redundant. But yeah, I’m gonna think about how to use this in the meantime. I’m probs gonna need a lot of masking tape or an ec4


I just ordered an electra one to complement my midihub, I find it more convenient compared to masking tape. :slight_smile:

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Can you put the patch on PatchStorage?


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I’ve been playing around with this for couple weeks now, took a while to figure out and I was about to flip it, until I hooked it up to the Machinedrum. Really fun results, and a lot of possibilities. It doesn’t keep me totally off the PC for Midi unfortunately given it’s only 4x4, but I’d definitely recommend it if you like patching.

This thing is more complicated than I thought. It’ll take a couple rounds to get the hang of it. But the possibilities seem pretty wide, even though the interface seems simple.

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Digitakt is my Master and my Main MIDI Sequencer for all my Synths :

DT Out > Kenton Thru-5 In
Kenton Thru-5 Thru’s > to my Synths MIDI Ins

The thing is that DT doesn’t pass AT, MW or PB from my external Keyboard (Hydrasynth) :

Hydrasynth MIDI Out > DT MIDI In

My question : Is there a way to use the Midihub to accomplish this task (passing AT, MW and PB to my Synths) and keep DT as my Master? If so, how?

Your lights will be well appreciated, thanks.

I just got my MidiHub, so I’m still figuring it out but I don’t see why not?

You’d have the DT and Hydra as Midi In A and B, and your synths (including I guess the Hydra) on Midi Out A, B, C, and D.

You’d create a pipe from Midi A (DT) to Virtual Pipe A, and then another pipe from Virtual Pipe A to each individual Midi Out. You could even add a filter so that only specific channels are going to specific Midi Outs if you’d like.

You’d also create another pipe with a clock, start, stop, and other sync features coming from Midi A and going to Virtual Pipe A as well.

That should get your Digitakt controlling everything, and you can then add different filters and Midi effects for each of the different Midi Outs as you’d like.

Finally you’d create another pipe, Midi In B (the Hydra) to Midi Out, and just select the Midi Out port you’d like. Since most parameters can be controlled by Midi CC, you could even program a Midi track on your DT to select where the Hydra goes to, or create different versions of your patch and save the onto the MidiHub, and use the button to scroll through them.

At any rate, yes, it’s possible with like 20 minutes of programming I think.

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Thanks for your fast reply. I already tried this avenue but with the Kenton Thru-5 between the Midihub and the Synths. It didn’t work. Maybe the programming was wrong, though.

Midihub Out A > Kenton MIDI In > Kenton MIDI Thru’s to the Synths

Do you see a reason why this doesn’t work?

The MidiHub is great but a little finicky and not always super intuitive for as powerful as it is. Honestly you probably just set it up wrong. Took me a while to get my setup working properly to just send clock and start/stop out.

It may take a minute to program or troubleshoot, but it is possible.

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I don’t have a digitakt, but it sounds like you’re focusing on the wrong thing here. I searched this forum and found this answer between your own posts in this digitakt MIDI thread.

Take the OUT from your keyboard OR your digitakt THRU and put that into midihub alongside digitakt OUT. Merge the streams as you need with filter pipes, taking care to prevent duplicate messages.

@hyperstationjr in this situation you would not need to create another pipe with clock, MIDI clock and transport messages should be passed directly from the digitakt, just like with a direct MIDI connection. Otherwise you will be duplicating clock messages and that will for sure screw things up.

That thing is tempting…
I thought I was going to get away with a simple midi thru 5…
Synths keep coming in…
So that should be a wise purchase I believe.

@Electromatic sorry for the hold up on that patch! It’s not anywhere near as versatile as I imagined at the time, due to not being aware of how some of the current pipes work. I’ll throw it up on here with a more detailed explanation soon, I promise.

@Tchu sorry for not reading properly I feel like I just parroted @hyperstationjr a bit there. If you’re having trouble download a MIDI monitor like this one, then use a loopback on your hub to see what’s coming out of it. Can help a lot with debugging setups.

Like I said I’m still pretty new to the environment, but I had issues with clock-based effects (like repeat, arp, etc) if I didn’t specifically include a clock element.

Given the very specific setup requested I guess it’s not needed but I just found if I was playing around with things and didn’t specify a clock source, it would stop the data from flowing and I’d just have to do it anyway.

Weird, my experience is pretty much the opposite. I imagine it’s quite dependent on the gear involved.