BlindControl for Blofeld- XY controller for iOS

I’m honestly shocked I hadn’t seen this yet. Anyone who has iOS and a Blofeld needs to get this.

Only limitation that I see is that it only controls part 1 in multitimbral mode. But it’s extremely expressive, so just controlling one synth part can get pretty crazy. 10 parameters at once, very very very cool.


BlindControl is the first MIDI controller for the iPad that you can really use on stage.

hm… frankly the marketing text looks somewhat terribly hyperbolic for an app that essentially seems to just send a bunch of mappable CC messages based on x/y coordinates? or do i misunderstand the concept?

does it read patches from the synth or something?

Yeah it’s a preconfigured XY controller; but it works well. It’s really smooth, walks you through everything, and doesn’t crash when you move parameters from the blofeld knobs (has happened with every other controller ive tried).

The big thing is the 1:1 sync with the blofeld. Also no config.
To answer more directly it does “read” patches in the sense that if you change patches, it automatically adjusts the levels on the iPad. Not sure if that’s exactly what you meant

well if it works that’s nice :slight_smile:
not sure though if what it does is as big as the words used by its developer :wink:

edit: ah yes then it seems to read sounds from the blofeld, thought it was only one-way. cool then!

Sounds interesting.

Instead of direct mapping to Blofeld params, I would implement custom “macro” controls where you can assign several params with math functions, scaling,. etc. and program change for remote preset change of course.

I missed this so thanks for posting. I’ll add it to my mindmapp

Also, there isa new blofeld editor that came out a month or so back

I missed this so thanks for posting. I’ll add it to my mindmapp

Also, there isa new blofeld editor that came out a month or so back[/quote]
Your both links appear to be broken.

EDIT: there is an extra point at the end.