Ok here is my problem. Im using a bitstream 3x midi controller to control the octatrack, which is the master clock for a jomox 888 drum machine. Now, I wanted to be able to control the jomox (pitch, decays…) with the bitstream, which i managed to do, plugin the octatrack back into the bitstream in, and then thru to the jomox. It receives the midi clock, no problem, it receives the cc (kick volume in this case) for a bit… After playing with it for a min or so it starts to behave funny, the pitch changes, then the distortion, volume goes right up, very strange (all moving the same pot) whats more, the pitch and volume of the snare also changed!! I have a feeling its got to do with the octatrack, since connecting the jomox to the midi out 2 on the bitstream the controller works just fine, but i dont get clock sent to it… Has anyone tried this sort of thing before?I think i’ve tried everything on the octatrack but any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
don’t have both but first thing i can think of is a possible MIDI loop
or perhaps MIDI messages are sent with the same MIDI CC?
Yeah, but from where? When pluged to the midi out 2, the controller works fine, but as soon as it passes thru the octatrack weirdness begins. So it must be the octatrack… What am i doing wrong? Or is it a bug? Anyone tried this with other controllers?
Do a search on Jomox and receiving midi sync, versus receiving midi notes only…something about the Jomoxen can’t properly handle midi sync + notes.
Might be, will check that, thanks
I think u are right, been reading the net, apparently jomox boxes are a bit weird in that aspesct. Thanks