Best way to sequence six external tracks (conection methodology)

Which is the best way to connect and sequence six external synthesizer all together?

One idea is with a midi hub to split the midi signal? True or False?

More ideas or the proper way?

Which six external synthesizers? How many of them are multi-timbral? How many have MIDI Thru?

I use midi hub. That’s the easiest and the efficient way.

I want to connect to the monomachine, the EVOLVER (it has midi through), the MOPHO, the TETRA, the DRM-1 MK2, the DARKENERGY, and an AKAI S3000.

Miltitimbal is only the TETRA and an AKAI S3000.

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?

Channels, baby. Start with then Google for the other parts in the series.

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila

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Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila[/quote]
To program the monomachine to the corresponding channels of the synths are all understandable. I have it.
But … My concern is how i will replicate the signal from the midi input of the midi hub to the individual outputs. I will feed the input (the first input of the hub) from the out of the monomachine and then how i will tell the midi hub to replicate the signal to the output 1 2 3 4 and 5.
And the thing you said about the last out to be the evolver’s through confused me :dizzy_face:
Lets say controlling 5 mono synths. To do polyphony and multi-timbability i believe i have to sacrifice 2 and more midi sequences from the monomachine.

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila[/quote]
To program the monomachine to the corresponding channels of the synths are all understandable. I have it.
But … My concern is how i will replicate the signal from the midi input of the midi hub to the individual outputs. I will feed the input (the first input of the hub) from the out of the monomachine and then how i will tell the midi hub to replicate the signal to the output 1 2 3 4 and 5.[/quote]
A single MIDI connection can carry 16 channels of information.
A simple MIDI splitter will duplicate what it receives at its input from the Monomachine at all of its outputs.
This means that you have to set, as an example, monosynth 1 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 1, monosynth 2 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 2, etc. Then set the MOnomachine to send information intended for monosynth 1 on MIDI channel 1, information for monosynth 2, on MIDI channel 2, etc. The precise way of setting up each individual synth will be described in its instruction manual.
There are other MIDI interfaces or patchers that can make more complex settings of channels if you have more complicated needs.
Any instrument with a MIDI Thru connector copies the MIDI signals that go into it to the Thru connector. If all your instruments have MIDI Thru then you could potentially chain them together without a MIDI splitter box, as long as you set the MIDI channels on each instrument correctly.

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila[/quote]
To program the monomachine to the corresponding channels of the synths are all understandable. I have it.
But … My concern is how i will replicate the signal from the midi input of the midi hub to the individual outputs. I will feed the input (the first input of the hub) from the out of the monomachine and then how i will tell the midi hub to replicate the signal to the output 1 2 3 4 and 5.[/quote]
A single MIDI connection can carry 16 channels of information.
A simple MIDI splitter will duplicate what it receives at its input from the Monomachine at all of its outputs.
This means that you have to set, as an example, monosynth 1 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 1, monosynth 2 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 2, etc. Then set the MOnomachine to send information intended for monosynth 1 on MIDI channel 1, information for monosynth 2, on MIDI channel 2, etc. The precise way of setting up each individual synth will be described in its instruction manual.
There are other MIDI interfaces or patchers that can make more complex settings of channels if you have more complicated needs.
Any instrument with a MIDI Thru connector copies the MIDI signals that go into it to the Thru connector. If all your instruments have MIDI Thru then you could potentially chain them together without a MIDI splitter box, as long as you set the MIDI channels on each instrument correctly.[/quote]
You didnt get it man …
I dont have some many throughs and…
She said a midi hub no a midi splitter its different i have the hub but i dont have midi splitter like the midisolutions’ quadrafour

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila[/quote]
To program the monomachine to the corresponding channels of the synths are all understandable. I have it.
But … My concern is how i will replicate the signal from the midi input of the midi hub to the individual outputs. I will feed the input (the first input of the hub) from the out of the monomachine and then how i will tell the midi hub to replicate the signal to the output 1 2 3 4 and 5.[/quote]
A single MIDI connection can carry 16 channels of information.
A simple MIDI splitter will duplicate what it receives at its input from the Monomachine at all of its outputs.
This means that you have to set, as an example, monosynth 1 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 1, monosynth 2 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 2, etc. Then set the MOnomachine to send information intended for monosynth 1 on MIDI channel 1, information for monosynth 2, on MIDI channel 2, etc. The precise way of setting up each individual synth will be described in its instruction manual.
There are other MIDI interfaces or patchers that can make more complex settings of channels if you have more complicated needs.
Any instrument with a MIDI Thru connector copies the MIDI signals that go into it to the Thru connector. If all your instruments have MIDI Thru then you could potentially chain them together without a MIDI splitter box, as long as you set the MIDI channels on each instrument correctly.[/quote]
You didnt get it man …
I dont have some many throughs and…
She said a midi hub no a midi splitter its different i have the hub but i dont have midi splitter like the midisolutions’ quadrafour

midisolutions’ quadrafour is what I use and it works like a charm. Just be sure that what you have it plugged to will power it. The mki mnm and md don’t power it, FYI.

Hello elenacortes
and i am thinging about that! how the connection methodology will be?
lets say i have i midi hub that has 1midi in and 5midi outs.
i will send the midi out of the MnM to an in of the midi hub and then how i will arrange which midi signal goes where?[/quote]
It’s very easy. Plug each midi in machine to the midi out of the hub. The last one must be pluged on the thru of the Evolver (wich have an efficient midi implementation.
then choose a different midi chanel on each slave machine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). On the MNM default settings are channel 1 to 6. So you just have to program the trigs… and you have cc control to play automation on the slaved machines.
et voila[/quote]
To program the monomachine to the corresponding channels of the synths are all understandable. I have it.
But … My concern is how i will replicate the signal from the midi input of the midi hub to the individual outputs. I will feed the input (the first input of the hub) from the out of the monomachine and then how i will tell the midi hub to replicate the signal to the output 1 2 3 4 and 5.[/quote]
A single MIDI connection can carry 16 channels of information.
A simple MIDI splitter will duplicate what it receives at its input from the Monomachine at all of its outputs.
This means that you have to set, as an example, monosynth 1 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 1, monosynth 2 to receive MIDI information on MIDI channel 2, etc. Then set the MOnomachine to send information intended for monosynth 1 on MIDI channel 1, information for monosynth 2, on MIDI channel 2, etc. The precise way of setting up each individual synth will be described in its instruction manual.
There are other MIDI interfaces or patchers that can make more complex settings of channels if you have more complicated needs.
Any instrument with a MIDI Thru connector copies the MIDI signals that go into it to the Thru connector. If all your instruments have MIDI Thru then you could potentially chain them together without a MIDI splitter box, as long as you set the MIDI channels on each instrument correctly.[/quote]
You didnt get it man …
I dont have some many throughs and…
She said a midi hub no a midi splitter its different i have the hub but i dont have midi splitter like the midisolutions’ quadrafour

Which “MIDI hub” do you have?

:zonked: OK, OK, i made a mistake using the word midi hub… shame on me, i use a quadra thru from midi solution.

Second point : when i said that five machines pluged and the 6th been pluged in thru from the Evolver, i was assuming that you have a pentathru midi device, and you wanted to plug 6 machines, so, logicaly, the 6th had to be midithru chained to one of the other 5 machines. Second mistake i made, being not precise in my explanations.

To conclude : the easiest consist in buying a quadra thru, and then all will be so evident.


Now all solved needed a midi spitter to replicate tha signal and trasfer it to every outs thanks a lot.
I have a motu midi express 128 for the main midi studio and i am thinking of buying a very cheap used emagic MT-4 (2in/4outs) just for the monomachine for a live setup on the synths without a computer. I don’t know if i can replicate and split the signal in the hub just like the midisolutions stuff.