Best way to remove smells from my Digitone

For the Digitone itself, it pretty much dissipated completely over time. I never did get it out of the power cord though, but I also never tried any of the more thorough methods that others had suggested – like storing it in an enclosed box with crumpled newspaper or baking soda or coffee grounds.

Ultimately I did not keep the Digitone but the smell didn’t factor into that decision. :slight_smile:


Coffee is used in perfume tasting to reset the sense of smell. Maybe try leaving the item in middle of a coffee beans bag for some hours :wink:

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Sometimes, mostly weekends, my DN stinks because I haven’t showered!


I didn’t have my glasses on, so I initially read, “Best way to remove smells from my Dingo


perfume tasting!!! :laughing: - not a job I’d want.

borrowed joke [from the masters]

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If it works for Pioneer…? :upside_down_face:

So now my device will smell like coffee instead? :slight_smile: Pick your poison I guess :stuck_out_tongue: Or maybe it won’t stick like perfume does?

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I dont think coffee would stick around like that, and even if it did probably more pleasant lol