Hi Guys
Im confused on the best way to get sounds out of the OT
say I have built a track, or a few loops & I want to put them onto my computer
is it best to just solo each track and bounce it out 1 by one recording into logic?
I pretty sure there must be some way to bounce each channel to the memory card but can’t work out how to do it!
what about re sampling? how do I do that?
as with most things in the OT I’m sure there is a number of ways to do it, so if you could let me know would be amazing,
thank you
also is it possible to assign different outputs to tracks?
March 5, 2014, 2:21pm
Usually I like to mix internally. So whatever comes out of the stereo outputs is whatever role the OT plays in that track or performance.
It helps me focus a lot and actually make sounds insted of wasting time setting up and exploring various methods.
March 5, 2014, 2:25pm
You can send any track to the cue outputs. And you can use panning to send mono tracks out of any of the four outputs!
thanks, how do you pan? can’t work it out?
Can you mixdown the track as a wav file? and then export via usb to daw?.
for pan use balance control on the amp page.
there is no offline bounce on the OT. unless they started life as audio loops ,you will have to resample those tracks that are made up of individual hits and then save them to the audio pool.
resampling :
i think the op wants access to the separate stems so he can mix on the computer…
for pan use balance control on the amp page.
there is no offline bounce on the OT. unless they started life as audio loops ,you will have to resample those tracks that are made up of individual hits and then save them to the audio pool.
resampling :
Oh, however, is that possible.
March 5, 2014, 4:11pm
Yeah, that’s pretty much how I do it. Often I have groups of a couple tracks that I don’t mind bouncing together. Or I do drums simultaneously on the cue output.
It’s not ideal though, especially if you want to play through a track while triggering patterns live. I wish there were a way to record all tracks separately at the same time.