Best synth for dub chords (dub techno)

Priceless, inspiring knowledge.

I used to really enjoy the dubby stabs I’d get out of a Nord Lead 2/2r.

More recently the SH-01a in poly mode.


I think the closest thing (already mentioned by @bf ) might be the Fred’s Lab Töörö. Compact, real wavetables, analog filters. Just got it but despite the dinky UI it can sound huge.

I haven’t found a decent video on YT for it yet, besides this one from the builder himself:

You would definitely want a characterful delay and reverb to go with it
 you could get by with the DT/DN built-in fx but dedicated outboard (or VST) would be better. It’s 4-way multitimbral as well.

A much less compact alternative would be the Minilogue XD module, not a true wavetable synth and monotimbral but can make very dubby sounds. Quite usable fx as well.

Some nice examples in this demo:

I also vote for the Virus TI. The modulation of effects such as delays, flanger and distortion make it a great fit for Dub Techno.


people have already covered lots of options, but it seems like you don’t need wavetables or anything particular to achieve results here. almost any synth, even mono synths, could fit the use case. it’s probably more important to focus on reverb/effects. you should be able to get decent results with what you already have.

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did anyone already mentioned the Aturia Microfreak? Also just got the wavetable engine in v4.0 
 and I think you can load your own tables too.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I decided to go with Dreadbox Nymphes with some external reverb and delay. And Digitone included in setup :slightly_smiling_face:


I win!! What’s my prize?


You win a melodica.


Awesome! I hear there’s a melodica band starting

Indeed, a sextet featuring guest soloist @Scot_Solida on medieval clarinet.


Forget the GAS, join us and push your actual gear to the limit, with Sound locks and other plocks


I am increasing your karma :mage:

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Can confirm microfreak + ms70cdr can make some nice Dub chord stabs. I’m liking wavetable 7. Haven’t got v4.0 yet.

FWIW the analog four is my go to for dub chords even though I have a Pro 2, Minilouge, Virus TI polar and a bunch of other stuff. I made a bunch of dub chord patches on my A4 just because it sounds so good, the bonus is that I can do things like modulate then delay per step.
Obviously the A4 can do a hell of a lot more and I can (and do) certainly get dub chords from any of my poly or paraphinic synths but there’s something both warm and dark about the ones I’ve made on the A4.


Just curious about whether anyone is using the Waldorf M for dubby techy styles, not just stabby chords, and how they’re finding it.


I made a kind of dub techno thing with mostly M for the melodics. Opsix on bassline duties.
Not sure if they count as propper dub chords though.


I just added an A4 MKII to my setup and would love a couple tips for dub chords, if you’re willing!

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If you haven’t seen this