Best companion for Digitakt? SP404 vs. 1010music BlackBox vs.?

It is.

While I think the MPC would do everything you need and more, I do want to say, as an MPC owner, that I think the Blackbox will be the more immediate and focussed device.

So judging by what you say you need (and assuming the use case is really that focused), I’d go with a Blackbox over an MPC, even though an MPC One will give you a lot more features at an only marginally higher price.

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according to the op his priorities are

and slicing

which one does the blackbox excel at?

might have to pick one up sooner than later

It’s great at all those. Slice mode has a few cool features that apply some level of random play to its order, essentially creating harmonic modulations.

It also sounds fantastic and the song mode goes very well with the Digitakt’s abilities to create polyrythms.