JRRshop has a 15% discount code for all items listed in their newest emailer. The AR is one of those items.
Please post any other discounts you find out there.
I edited the thread title as that price may not be around as long as the thread.
JRRshop has a 15% discount code for all items listed in their newest emailer. The AR is one of those items.
Please post any other discounts you find out there.
I edited the thread title as that price may not be around as long as the thread.
says $1,499.00 in my browser (berlin)
I got it to work in the US.
Use Twitter15 as the coupon code.
this deal is pretty crazy. i just talked to rob who works at JRR shop and he confirmed that they will be selling the AR for the sale price of $1275 plus free shipping. i wonder if other dealers will price match that.
def the best deal. if you are willing to put out the money now.
the only reason i wouldn’t is because elektron has not sent out any email yet.
Nice grab! I got the coupon to work too.
@TrabanT (or anyone listening) i am an american loving in Budapest so i could buy this and have it shipped to me.( I don’t like the idea of all that emissions, but i digress) I’m thinking you might do the same.
What about warranty coverage? Would elektron themselves accept any needed service or would i have to ship it back to jrr.
You can usually find a 10-15% off code for JRR, so this isn’t time-sensitive.
As far as returns or issues, JRR gives you 30 days for returns, 90 for replacements (with some exceptions-check their return policy information). You still have the three year warranty through Elektron, although you would be responsible for contacting them and dealing with any shipping, etc. for repairs.
When I checked my preorder with them a couple weeks ago, it was part of the first batch of 5 (which are all reserved) they are expecting to receive. Everyone placing preorders will not be receiving units right away from their first batch of 5 fyi.
I just talked to them. I am also on the list.
thanks for thinking of me! but right now I am trying to sell my MD uw +drive before i indulge in gas
Everyone ive asked (UK) say they dunno… Haha. Now that’s service.
Maybe there just hitting UK later. Like other people say tho, no rush.
I just was on the phone with Pro Audio Star out of NYC and they told me that everyone is frustrated with elektron in that they’re telling the distributors to keep taking pre-orders for monomachines, octatracks, analog keys and rythm but they refuse to provide any ETAs.
the octatrack is completely out of stock in the US and has been for several weeks.
Not weeks. Months. It has been out of stock since January.
And it is getting damn frustrating. I’ve tried being patient, and have been an Elektron fanboy for a couple years now, but this extended delay (“just 2 more weeks”…yeah, right) has me wondering why I shouldn’t just cancel my order, buy a used one, and save some money.
got a OT and A4 on order…
the shop i ordered from couldn’t get any details on shipping dates…
they say no one knows anything about whats up with elektron…
no info…
so, being impatient, i wrote them…
gotta response in like 3 hours… .
they said they are expecting things back from assembly anyday…
sometime this week…
and then shipment will begin…
hope so!
im friggin terrible at waiting…
That makes the Australian price of $1,999 seems absolutely ridiculous.
USD$1,381 (including shipping) = AUD$1,482 + 10% GST = AUD$1,630
thanks for thinking of me! but right now I am trying to sell my MD uw +drive before i indulge in gas[/quote]
Ahh i see. Nice machine. Well if i had a md i would probably do the same. But, alas, i don’t.
Does any european have experience buying elektron gear from the states?
It makes no sense at all - so sick of getting shafted down here.
I don’t want to rain on everyone’s parade here but you do realise that
JR Shop has not even got in stock the Analog Keys yet so if you take that deal
I doubt whether they will fulfil the AR until Q3 or Q4.
Is a four-six month delay really worth it for the AR and by god that is a realistic timeframe based on previous US dealer stocks of a new Elektron product–instead of buying direct from Elektron and recieving in early May?
Think about it you could be making music and releasing records straight away very soon with the AR–its going to be that revolunationary a product.
Elektron online store is by far the best way to go for US sales and Elektron very much prefer direct customer orders over US Distributer orders- no doubt because of the usual industry credit arrangements from manufacturer to distributer
Also in Australia… the deal is tempting. Anyone know how long this deal will last for?
Hello everyone, do you know if I buy an elektron machine from jrr shop and I live in france, do I have to pay some taxes or thing like that ? Thanks
yeah i think you will get hit by taxes ordering from the shop directly…if you knew of anyone in the states you could have it sent to them and get them to organise non commercial postage??.
i am at a bit of a crux… not sure what to do - go ahead and get a second hand octatrack and something jazzy like a tanzbar or hold out for the AR. i really dont understand why on all the latest drum boxes that song mode is not available… a man only has 2 hands!!! (edit - except for the AR of course - to me it is the equivelant to another member of a band)
whats the cheapest anyone has seen in EU?? - there is quite a big difference between thomann and music store… has anyone ever got anything from gear4music?