Beginners / Recording Question

Seems super basic and I followed both the manual and video but I’m having trouble with playback with manual sampling.

I’ve got Recording 1 (Flex) assigned to TRK 1 and input AB from a keyboard. I hear sound and everything in record mode. When I press Record + TRK 1 – the wheel is moving. When I stop the REC and place a TRIG at T1 and press PLAY – I hear nothing. Twice I heard something but it trailed off and there was silence.

Please let this newbie know if their missing something?

And thanks!

sounds exactly like what I am continously going through …blaaaahhhh …

make sure that

1 you dont have a neighboring machine set up … these prevent recorded samples from playing (somewhat often)

2 clear all playback amp lfo fx1 fx2 pages … especially retriggers often make the sound go slient (at least when i forget things)

i need to keep practising. the record thing on a sampler is imho too confusing to be “decently noob friendly”

watch them tutorials on the internets!

Hi. Make sure that track1 is set to play from recorder buffer 1. Then press rec and set a trigger at step1. This will trigger track1 to play what you just have recorded.

Hope that makes any sense!

What often happens is that when you are in the recording page (see the tape reel) and place a trigger, you place a normal trigger. What happens then is as your pattern loops back to step 1, the recording processing is restarted and if you have no input, you will be recording silence over your previously (good) recording.

The easiest way to verify you are doing things correctly is place a trigger on step 1, then hold Function and pres the same trigger again. The LED should turn solid yellow. This is a one-shot trigger. Until you are really comfortable with how the OT works, this is usually the best way to start. Oh - while you are in this page, set RLEN to 16 or something smaller than MAX.

Once your pattern loops through that first bar and goes back to step 1, no additional recording will take place, so you can place regular Play triggers (in the normal (non-recording) pages)) and hear the sample.

The other thing to check is to double-click the track button, then press Function+Edit to edit the sample. You should see the waveform and be able to hear it by pressing Function+Yes.

Slightly quicker way: Hold Track button and press Edit.

Thank you so much for all your help – I think what you described was exactly the problem I was making for myself. I actually figured it out shortly after I posted but it’s super helpful to have a written account of what’s going wrong.

Thanks to everyone that replied!

I thought about that, but based on an earlier comment I thought it might be good to check to see exactly what recorder he was using for that track.

After you know, Track+Edit is the way to go.

Glad he got it sorted out.

That problem is almost a rite of passage among OT owners. I think we’ve all had those ‘where the F did my sample go?’ moments.

Slightly quicker way: Hold Track button and press Edit.
I thought about that, but based on an earlier comment I thought it might be good to check to see exactly what recorder he was using for that track.
After you know, Track+Edit is the way to go.[/quote]
Good point. The Recording Number / Sample Name is displayed across the top of the screen in all Sample Menus.