Beginner question about sequencing midi AND samples

Hi guys, first I have to say that english is not my main language, so maybe Ill not express myself 100% accurate, I m also newbie in elektron stuff, Im interested in getting the octatrack for sequencing both my analog synths and wav audio tracks that I create in different programs like adobe audition, for example,
is it possible to load a long drum audio track (wav) for example and then, record and sequence via midi another synth, and sync/quantize them?

Yes, that is pretty much what the Octatrack is designed to do!


Do you speak Spanish?

By the way I agree with hellcore.


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Yes you can do that but your better of creating drum patterns from samples on OT then playing them along side your synths(which are sequenced from OT)

hello thanks, yes that was what I wanted to hear je!

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hi deka, yes I speak spanish, I`m from Argentina

hello, yes thanks, I wanted to do both , but more, the one I asked, thanks for the answer

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Hola Gas,

pásame una dirección de correo y te envío el manual en .pdf de la octatrack, traducido por mi al español.

Saludos marcianos!

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Je crois avoir compris alors que je suis français. :wink:
I prefer English version !

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one-shots and loops is the fair fare of the Octatrack, each of the 7 or 8 stereo tracks may sequence one-shots, or play/re-sequence loops. play on :slight_smile:

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Hola deka, genial muchas gracias, muy bueno lo de la traducciòn!
te dejo el mail ,mi banda se llama justamente “Proyector” por si estas aburrido y queres escuchar algo nuevo, hay sintes…jaj tiene pagina de face si deseas buscarla, saludos!



No worries mate!

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