Beginner q - muting samples as a sequence not audio

hey there -

just starting to switch over from the MPC to the octatrack and i just combed thru the manual but couldn’t find an answer to a relatively simple question. hopefully someone can help…

when i mute / unmute a percussion sample, it mutes it like an audio track, not as a midi trigger. which is great for longer, multi-bar samples but not so great for kick drums. i don’t want to unmute in the middle of the kick tail, i just want silence until the next one hits. does anyone know how to switch this parameter?


I’ve encounted the same thing and have found:

if you have 2 different samples on the same track the proceeding sample will cut off sample before it. EG: long 808 kick on trig 1, hihat in trig 2. The hihat on trig 2 will cut the 808 kick on trig 1.

I think the only work around is to have the hihat on a separate track.

This confuses the shit out of me as I’m also more familiar with the MPC workflow. OT is a different beast, and I’m yet to get my head around it.

Perhaps I’m wrong and someone canhelp the both of us?

that makes sense although i’m looking more for a way to have the audio sound only once the midi note is triggered… like, if the track is muted then it mutes the midi trigger rather than muting the audio and letting the midi continue on. seems like there’s got to be a way, would be a weird thing to omit.

I’m not sure I understand what it is your doing. You have a one shot on a flex/static machine? or are you talking about a loop?

Are you programming in a pattern and you want to mute only kicks within a pattern that has other stuff (sample chain or one shots)?

Can’t be done.

nedavine- ok, say i have a track with a kick sample on it… i trig it at 1, 5, 9 and 13 so that it’s a totally standard house/techno kick.

if i was using the mpc and muted this track, it would mute the midi sequence of the kick rather than the audio track. so if the kick was really long, it would finish sounding but then the next kick wouldn’t be triggered.

the octatrack’s muting is more audio based. if i mute the kick, it immediately cuts off the audio right on the spot… if i unmute it, it turns it back on, even if i’m in the middle of the sample. i would like to have the muting work more on this mpc/midi principle rather than a pure audio principle. if JSZ is correct and it’s not possible then i’ll be surprised, seems like something kinda glaring to overlook given how many options they’ve put in this thing.

No he’s right it’s not possible. The only way to do that is to remove the actual trigs. You could use clear and undo for the same effect, but yeah you will always kill the tail of an audio mute. The MPC is polyphonic where as the OT is a monosampler and this being the greatest drawback.

I think muting individual trigs via trigless trigs would do it, no?

I am playing with a sequence right now, and am able to mute at the trig level leaving trigs I want to unmute later intact.

It’s not as clean as a “MIDI Mute” and is a few more steps, but could be a good workaround.

Those extra steps are what makes this workaround not so good if you’re used to quickly muting and unmuting several tracks. Haven’t used an MPC but coming from an RS7000 the mute behaviour of the OT was a bit strange at first but now I don’t even think about it. Don’t see why the alternative muting method couldn’t be introduced in a future update though, and it’s a feature a lot of users would appreciate.

For the time being, I think the best workaround is to just practice your timing and focus on getting the mutes at the right moments. For many tracks at once, when in the mute trig mode, you can hold Function and press the mutes you want to toggle, and they will all happen at once when you release Func.