Beauty preset (A13)

Atlas mentioned the Beauty preset, so I went to have a look. I found the track of sample one confusing to me. Perhaps someone can explain it.

Sample 1, page 3:4 has all the triggers lit. Triggers 1,5,9, and 13 are solid red. All the other triggers are flashing red. If I hold down one of the flashing triggers and look for a plock, I can’t find one. When I let go of the flashing trigger, it become solid.


This was the exact question I was going to ask! Hopefully someone can shed some light on it. Great sounding preset.

FWIW. I muted all the samples except sample 1 and “unlit” the flashing triggers. I couldn’t hear any difference in the sound.

I’m just curious, what in the world are you guys talking about??!!

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The preset pattern A13 on the digitakt is called “Beauty”. In another topic people were discussing trying to reverse engineer the sounds.

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ah ok! thx

Another mystery on the Beauty preset is that it has a quiet audio glitch in it (at least on my DT).
While working on connecting to my DAW, this little glitch caused me to change buffers and settings.
I couldn’t fix it.

To find the root cause I powered down my DT, unplugged the USB cable, powered on, and listened with headphones… it was still there!

It’s very quiet, but if you listen for 60 secs you’ll hear it. It’s not in the same place, and moves around.
Seems to happen every 30 sec or so.

Do others hear it? Is it just my DT?

EDIT: I found that removing the empty trigs on page 3 that the original post mentions, fixed the audio glitch.

Best regards,


Ahh that preset :slight_smile: Remember the times making these…


Oh you tease you :smile:

Full disclosure is that this preset is one of the reasons I bought the Digitakt.
It’s sooooo smooth :slight_smile:

Regarding the glitch, My theory is that there was a sound or sample that was deleted, and that’s why there are dead triggers. We could probably confirm that by doing the same thing.

That or it’s a secret message to a geo cache of a free stash of Elektron gear!
Or aliens.